The Legend of Red and Blue Y/n (Part 2)!

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Right now, Red Y/n and Blue Y/n had Each went out on their Dates and Right now we Open up with Red Y/n who was with Yuno in the Town Library who was So Happy being A Date with you.

She was also wearing A Sexy Black Leather, Short Cut, Sleeveless, Dress.

Red Y/n: (Blushing) Um, So... Yuno... Why are you wearing that Dress...?

Yuno: Oh Darling, I Just want to Look Good to you~

Red Y/n: By Wearing that Sexy Black Dress?

Yuno: Yep~

Red Y/n: Um... Okay, Alright.

Yuno: Thanks! (Thoughts) Why are his eyes red? He isn't using any Techniques and yet His eyes Are red. How Strange.

Meanwhile at the Local Aquarium...

Anya: Look Papa! Look Mama! Penguins!

Blue Y/n: Hahahaha! Yep, those are Penguins Anya.

Yor: Thanks for taking us here Y/n, Anya really appreciates it.

Blue Y/n: Nah, it's no problem Trust me. I'd do anything for my Family.

Yor: Hey Y/n?

Blue Y/n: Yes?

Yor: Why are your eyes that deep shade of Sea Blue? Contacts?

Blue Y/n: Oh Yeah, You Know Contacts. Nothing else whatsoever you know.

Yor: Oh Okay. (Thoughts) My Assassin Skills are telling me He's Lying somehow. Is he Hiding something? He never really hid anything from me before, so this Seems Strange. I wouldn't put it Past him if he's being Possessed by some Evil Force. I may need to be Careful.

She then Grabs on her Knife as she had an uneasy Look on her face.

Back with Red Y/n...

You and Yuno Kept walking around Just shopping your Cares away when suddenly A Gun shot Rang out and it nearly hit you!

Red Y/n: What the hell!?

It was then revealed to be Deathstroke!

Red Y/n: What the hell!? Why are you here!?

Deathstroke: Well, A Person put A Bounty on your head, and I'm here to cash it. You Look Different though. Contacts?

Red Y/n: Um... Yes? Now Let's-

Yuno: No, I'm going to Protect you, Darling!

Yuno then Pulled out A Freaking Katana out of nowhere!

Yuno then Pulled out A Freaking Katana out of nowhere!

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Yuno: I Borrowed it from Erza, Silly!

Red Y/n: Er... Okay.

Deathstroke then Pulled out his Own Katana as he smiled.

Deathstroke: I'll Enjoy this One. A Pink headed Girl in A Leather dress Weidling A Katana. That's A First.

Yuno: Yeah, You're my first too Pal.

The two then Began Clashing meanwhile you Red Y/n teleported to go get Blue Y/n!

Meanwhile with Blue Y/n...


Yor: Oh, I Know who you are! You're in Imposter Posing as my Husband! Tell me where he is now!

Anya: Mama! That's Really Papa!


Blue Y/n: Oh Brother!

Just then Red Y/n teleported in and Grabbed Yor stopping her.

Red Y/n: Yor, please calm down.

Yor: Huh!? W-What is Happening right now?

Red Y/n: No Time we need to stop A Masked Madman.

Blue Y/n: Who is?

Red Y/n: Deathstroke.

Blue Y/n: Oh, Makes sense.

Red Y/n then Teleported all three of them back to the library where Yuno continued to fight against Deathstroke!

Red/Blue Y/n: Stop Deathstroke!

Anya: Wow, I have two Papas! It's so Cool!

Deathstroke: Two Y/n's? Hey that means double the Pay! Now to-

Red Y/n then Began using Telepathy to Temporarily Turn Deathstroke's to Mush, while Blue Y/n Created a Bioelectric Web from his Own Body that Trapped Deathstroke within and he couldn't Escape.

Yuno: Um, what is Happening?

Red and Blue Y/n then Fused back into Normal Regular you and you Turned Apologetically,

Y/n: Um... Let me explain...

One Explanation Later...

Y/n: And That's what Happened, please don't Beat me up!

Yor: Y/n, why do you think of us that way?

Y/n: Assassin and Girl with Katana.

Yor: Okay, Checks out.

Yuno: Y/n You could have Just told us. I wouldn't Mind Going to the Aquarium.

Yor: Yeah, and I wouldn't mind another. Guest.

Y/n: Really? Anya?

Anya: Papa, I would still Love it, because you'll be there.

Y/n: Awww, Thank you! Now Let's go Back to the Aquarium!

Deathstroke: Goodie goodie Two Shoes! Goodie goodie Two Shoes! 

Y/n: Er, After I Take him to Jail of course.

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