Sand Shark Fins for my Restaurant!

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We Open up in the Middle of the Gobi Desert where A Large Wooden Boat being pulled by the Power of wind was being Pulled through as in th front you were smiling!

Y/n: Woohoo! I'm the King of the World!

Math: Hell Yeah Brother!

And Kiiro was there as well.

Kiiro: So, This Gourmet Hunting thing? Is it Popular?

Y/n: Yep! And I invited some Friends as well.

Toriko: HELL YEAH! Let's get some of those Fins!!

Rin (Toriko): Yeah! Let's do this!

Komatsu: Yeah, but we're Hunting Sharks. So how are you going to get them?

Y/n: That's Easy my Little Chef.

You then took out one of your swords and you sliced your arm Making Blood drop on the Sand.

Y/n: Now if Logic serves correctly if Regular Blood in water Attracts regular Sharks, then Regular blood in Sand should Attract Sand Sharks.

Komatsu: Seems to check out.

Y/n: Now It's a Waiting Game for them to show up.

Kiiro: So why are you doing this again?

Y/n: I'm going to serve up A Special in my Restaurants. Sand Shark Fin Carbonara Pasta! Each Fin is worth about 700 million Yen, so this will definitely be A pricey Dish. Of course, some Goes to Toriko because he wants to eat some.

Toriko: Hell yeah, that's stuff going to be delicious!

Y/n: Too Bad the actual Meat is too tough to eat, But I think Komatsu could find A Way to actually make it taste Good.

Komatsu: I will try my best Y/n.

Y/n: Good! Now we Wait.

And You wait...

And Waited...

And Waited...

Math: Guys, I don't think those Sharks are going to- WOAH!

Suddenly A Massive Sand Shark Jumped out of the Sand and Nearly bit his Hand off, as he then began charging A Rasengan!

Math: Rasengan!!

He then slammed it into the Shark's Face Knocking it out!

Suddenly you were all Surrounded by A Bunch of Sand Sharks as they were all in A Feeding Frenzy ready to eat all of you!

Toriko: Hahahahaha! Now this is what I'm talking about! Fork Nail Punch!!

He then Impaled another Shark Killing it!

Kiiro: Alright then, Atomic Shotgun!!

He then Killed several More Sharks!

Rin: Alright Take this!

Rin then shoot some Chemicals into A Shark's Face Messing with it's sensing and it slammed into A Rock Breaking it.

Y/n: Alright then, Time to end this! Gum Gum... Firework!!

You then slammed each of the Sharks in the Face as they all had their Venomous Teeth Knocked out and they all Landed on the ground Dead as their cartilaginous Skulls snapping in Half!

Y/n: Whew, Alright. Now it's time for some Shark Fins.

A Few Moments Later at One of your Restaurants...

Y/n: Hey Ikumi?

Ikumi: Yes, Y/n?

She then stopped when you Dropped several Giant Sand sharks on the floor.

Y/n: Take the Fins and Make some Pasta! Kay?

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