The Mysterious Devices!

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It was now A Lazy day for you as you slept in and only woke up when you got A Package and inside that Package was A Mysterious device from A Relative you barely know as Naoya.

Y/n: Hey Mom, Whose Naoya?

Kinue: Oh You two are Cousins.

Y/n: Really? I never heard of him before.

Kinue: Oh, you two haven't seen each other since you were Babies. I guess he thought of you and sent you this thing!

Y/n: I Guess so... I need to talk to someone.

You then ran to your room and quickly hopped onto the computer as you got on Discord and Began contacting some of your Friends.

Y/n: Hey Everyone, you ever heard of A COMP Device?

Math: Huh? Weird. I Got one too.

Y/n: Really? Sorry we hadn't talked in A While because of you had to do that special Training with Killer Bee

Math: Yeah, you can only handle so Much of him too be Honest but he really made me A Lot Faster.

Y/n: Good.

Yuzu had Joined the Chat.

Yuzu: Hey Boys How it's going?

Y/n: Yuzu!

Math: Yuzu!

Y/n: Hey girl how's it going? Lazy Day?

Yuzu: Yep, Lazy Day. I received A COMP Device too.

Y/n: Strange... we all got these things from A Cousin I have Named Naoya.

Math: Never heard of him.

Y/n: Exactly! Me neither!

Yuzu: How Strange.

Meanwhile with Math...

Math was Fiddling with his COMP Device opening the Menu when he Activates A Program and suddenly A Bunch of Demons were summoned!

Math: AAAGH! DEMONS! That's It! All of you be gone! Christ Compels you! Or even Better, Giant Rasengan!!

He then Killed them all in one shot as he quickly got back on Discord!

Back on Discord...


Yuzu: Are you on something?


Y/n: To Be Honest, He's not wrong. I've seen far weirder shit.

Math: We need to get rid of them!

Yuzu: I don't know. Maybe there's A Reason why we have them. I mean why else would he give us them?

Math: Probably to kill us! Or worse!

Y/n: Look, We don't know, and we need to figure out why. That's the Important thing here.

Just then received A Mysterious Text from Naoya telling you where to go.

Y/n: Guys, we need to go to The Minato-Ku Aoyama Cemetary. Naoya said we would find someone who would help us, Or Influence our future Actions as he Said.

Math: Right! I have A Few Questions for him.

Yuzu: Got It! I'll meet you there!

You then got off of Discord and Began to Pack some Bags as you began thinking to yourself.

Y/n: (Sigh) Naoya You better have A Good reason for All of this Bullshit.

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