Welp time to Call an Exterminator!

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You kept flying around the Planet searching for the other two groups who had Gone Missing because they need to get back to the ship Fast and soon you felt their energy.

Y/n: Alright, I had finally found them.

You soon then landed in front of another group and Unleashed another Attack!

Y/n: Alright then! Stardust Breaker!!

You then Blew up another 1,000,000 Teraformans as they were all eradicated into Dust!

Y/n: Alright I need all of you to get back to the Ship Now! We are getting the hell out of here!

Hong: (Blushing) Okay, Got it. Thank you, Y/n.

Hong (A Chinese girl who lived in A Poor family until the Government Nabbed her and used her for their Project/ She was Given the Powers of A Lethal Bacteria which makes her A Threat to everyone around her who doesn't wear A Hazmat Suit/ She's Ver...

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Hong (A Chinese girl who lived in A Poor family until the Government Nabbed her and used her for their Project/ She was Given the Powers of A Lethal Bacteria which makes her A Threat to everyone around her who doesn't wear A Hazmat Suit/ She's Very Simple Minded and Emotive)

Y/n: (Thoughts) Oh she's so Cute! She reminds me of Komi-San! poor thing is Viral though.

Gina: Thank you so Much Y/n! We'll get there Immediately. Please stay safe. I hate to see you get Hurt.

 I hate to see you get Hurt

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Gina S. Asimov (She is A Russian Woman who was having A Child when she suddenly caught A Deadly Virus that Threatened both her and her Babies Lives/ She received treatment for it which saved her Life, but the unborn Baby's chance of survival is very Slime due to it)

Y/n: (Blushing) Er, Thanks. (Thoughts) God she's Like Kinue except she's Probably not going to be A Mom. So, Sad...

Erika: Good Thank you Y/n, We'll Make it Back, We Promise...

Erika: Good Thank you Y/n, We'll Make it Back, We Promise

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