Munamori Village!

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After A While and dealing with some Crazy Stuff like Chifusa going under A Fever, Dealing with A Bunch of Manyuu Guards who Imprisoned her and tested her scroll on her, to A Man who only makes Art of Flat chested woman and wanted to make Kaede his Muse, and now you were all at Munemori Village!

Y/n: Hm, Nice Place.

Chifusa: So this is my Mother's Home Village?

Kaede: Yeah, It's really Nice.

Y/n: We need to split up. We need to Make sure That the Manyuu Assassins don't find us. Okami and Oiso Just keep watch, Okay?

Okami/Oiso: Right!

Y/n: Good, the rest of you stick with me. Momoha can you take us to Chifusa's Family?

Momoha: Of course, Y/n, just follow me.

And soon...

The Four of you ended up at the Biggest House in the Village which wasn't Hard since Most of it was destroyed and you had Met up with A Woman who was actually Chifusa's Aunt.

Tsuyuha: Oh My God it's Actually you! You Look so Much like your Mother!

Tsuyuha Munamori (Chifusa's Aunt and her Mother's Younger Sister/ She is One of the Few Survivors of the Munemori Clan after Past events/ Mother of Hazuki Munamori)

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Tsuyuha Munamori (Chifusa's Aunt and her Mother's Younger Sister/ She is One of the Few Survivors of the Munemori Clan after Past events/ Mother of Hazuki Munamori)

Chifusa: Oh, um... Thanks... Look we came to Learn so I can master the breast Flow Technique.

Tsuyuha: Sit down.

You all then Began to sit down, as Tsuyuha Looked deep and somber.

Tsuyuha: Chifusa Your Mother... She was A Wonderful woman... She died to protect that Scroll. When your father and his Family wanted that Scroll, she took her Own Life to protect it from them, but he never stopped going after it, even ignoring her Death.

Y/n: (Seething in Rage) That, Bastard.

Tsuyuha: She Only Married him to Preserve both of your Clan's heritage after our Clans had been nearly wiped out by numerous attacks, but she Loved you very much Chifusa and she died so you can save everyone.

Chifusa: But I don't know how to use the Breast flow Technique Right.

Tsuyuha: It's Because you don't have A Motherly Heart, it is Key to using the Skill.

Suddenly there were cries from another room, and Tsuyuha quickly ran inside and came back out with A Baby.

Tsuyuha: I'm Sorry My Baby, Hazuki is Hungry.

Hazuki Munamori (Tsuyuha's Baby daughter/ Heir to the Munamori Clan)

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Hazuki Munamori (Tsuyuha's Baby daughter/ Heir to the Munamori Clan)

Y/n: Oh No It's Okay, I can get A Blanket for you. I-

Tsuyuha: No, I cannot feed her, as I had run out of Milk, and I have no one to feed her...

Chifusa: I'll do it. I can feed her.

Tsuyuha: Thank you.

Everyone then soon left the room except for you and Chifusa as she Began to Breast Feed Baby Hazuki and the Baby Happily drank her Milk as Chifusa smiled.

Y/n: You'll Make A Great Mother.

Chifusa: I wish I could be. My Mother gave up her life Just to save me, and I can never live up to that. I'm not sure I can even save everyone.

Y/n: Chifusa, It's not about saving everyone, it's about helping people. We Helped people along the way and that's all that Matters. Your mother would be Proud of you.

Chifusa then figured out Just like it somehow clicked that the reason why she's so Shy around other women is because of her own Mother and her Chest. She had found her Motherly Heart by Feeding Hazuki. She can Now Master the Breast Flow Technique.

Y/n: It's time.

Meanwhile A Few Miles outside of Town...

300 Foot soldiers were set up outside of Munamori Village as Azad Smiled, dripping Mochi, and Fire out of his Body, and his eyes you were yellow like A Dragons. Yes, this is the real Azad. He has gotten A Few Upgrades.

Azad: (Inhales) Ah, nothing smells quite as Fresh as the smell of A Future Battlefield. Don't you think Manyuu my Friend?

Munemori: I Agree, my Good for Nothing daughter has made too Many Transgressions.

Munemori Manyuu (The Father of Chifusa and Kagefusa/ A Perverse and Cynical Bastard who set up the oppressive Hierarchy outside of the New Tokyo in Japan/ He had been searching for Years for the Munamori Scroll and Use it to become powerful enough...

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Munemori Manyuu (The Father of Chifusa and Kagefusa/ A Perverse and Cynical Bastard who set up the oppressive Hierarchy outside of the New Tokyo in Japan/ He had been searching for Years for the Munamori Scroll and Use it to become powerful enough to decide who has big chests or not and therefor have more power/ Evil Fucker)

Azad: Yes, Now Let me do all of the fighting against L/n. You and Ouka can fight against Your Daughter for all I care. I Just want L/n's Blood.

Munemori: It's A Deal.

Azad: Good, Good. Your time of Reckoning has Finally come Y/n.

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