How this Happened C1

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                                                             (WARNING. STORY MIGHT BE CRINGE)

                                                                                  Funneh's POV

This was probably the worst thing that ever happened to me, but first to understand how this all started, we have to tell you about how this disaster all began, its a long explanation, it's worth it though, just trust me.

Tuesday Jan 2nd At 8:00am, Funneh's Room:

Uhhhh, what time is it? Wait a minute... 8:00AM! OH MY GOSH IM LATE, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE WAKE ME UP! Ugh, I have to get ready really quickly now, I mean I'm probably the only one that usually dresses up fast.

I put on a regular blue shirt with black pants that has a "F" on it, I put on a quick dark blue pin, grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs to the door, surprisingly Draco, Rainbow and Lunar made it before I did, but of course we'd always have to wait for Gold to finish up.

"Gold hurry up!" Mom said, "I'm coming!" Gold said, 

Once she came down we all rushed to the car, we were now in, it was 8:04am, right when school opens, so the bell must of rang since school started at that time, "Great, now were late!" Rainbow complained, "Will probably make it at 8:07am, its just three minutes before were in classes." Draco said, "Right." Rainbow said relieved. 

At School:

Once we reached, it was 8:07am like Draco said it was. I mostly talk to Gold in the mornings because the rest the of us had morning school clubs, and Gold has hers in the afternoon.

 Gold and I were just walking and all when she spotted a sign up on the wall. 

"Hey Funneh, Look!" She said, "What is it?" I asked, "Its the new school year president tryouts." "Ok, but why did you say something about it, you want to run for school president?" "No, you should." "But Gold, being school president has lots of responsibility and I'm not good at responsibility." "Oh, you wont have to worry about that, I can be your secretary!" "But you don't like politics." "Yeah I don't, but I have a friend who could help me out with it." "Ok, but I'm still not sure yet, ill talk to you at break, k Gold?" "Alright then, bye Funneh."

 We both waved to each other as we went to our lockers to put our stuff away, soon as I finished the bell rang, this was probably my favorite period of school even if it wasn't a subject, it was editing club! Yeah, maybe you don't have that club in your school but if you like editing (that's great if you already do,) and you had this club you would enjoy it. 

At the Editing Club:

Once I stepped in the club room it was empty? What was going on?  Was this a prank and they just used a green screen? "

"Oh hey Funneh." The club teacher Mr. Cavin said in a upsetting voice, usually he would be talking in a happy voice so I knew something was wrong, "Mr. Cavin what's going on!?" I asked a little scared, "The editing club is cancelled." WHAT, NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! "What, Why!" "We were using a lot of the internet, so they asked us to stop." Ugh, I should of seen that coming, I guess I had to go back to my regular class now, I walked back to my class where Gold was, the subject was language which was not that bad...

At Language Class:

Once I stepped in some of the students were a little shocked that I came in on Tuesday's because that's usually always when i go to editing club, though editing club does happen every single day, (well, not really.)

 "Funneh, why are you here today?" Mrs. Lindsey, the Language teacher asked, "I didn't go today..." I lie, "Oh, ok, you can take a seat next to Gold." 

I walked next to Gold looking a little down, actually not a little, very down, but not the start to cry down.

 "Funneh, What's wrong?" Gold asked, "Editing club got cancelled!" I cried, I tried my best to use an indoor voice but it was hard as heck. "I'm so sorry Funneh." "Nah, its ok, I'm just really bummed out about it." "Funneh, Gold, please be quiet." Mrs. Lindsey said, *sighs* this is gonna be a long day.

 "Ok class, today will be doing a recap of inferring from pictures, I'll give everyone these sheets to prove if we need to still stay on this subject or not." Mrs. Lindsey said, .

Inferring, I'm not really good at inferring but Gold is, so when Mrs. Lindsey was done handing everyone sheets then doing whatever teachers do I asked Gold for help.

 "Funneh No, you know what happened last time we almost got in trouble!" "SHH." a student shushed us, "Please Gold, I'm really struggling with this one, I promise this will be the last time I ask." I pleaded, quietly, "Ok, fine but you better promise..."

 I gave Gold my work until Jenny, known as the tattletale in class heard our conversation.

 "Are you cheating cause it sure looks like it." she said, "No, I'm just helping her, nothing more!" Gold said, Gold was pretty bad at lying so Jenny could clearly tell what was going on, "I'm telling!" she said. 

I was about to tell her to grow up until Mrs. Lindsey told her to be quiet.

 "What, but-" "Are you talking back?" Mrs. Lindsey got serious, Gold handed me back the sheet completing the question for me.

 "See Funneh." Gold whispered, "At least we didn't get caught." I said. 

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now