Some Competition I Brought C2

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                                                                               Gold's POV

After the long language period I went to my locker and looked at the school  presidents poster, the real reason why I wanted Funneh to join was because I knew her club was gonna get cancelled, just not today! 

I overheard the principle's conversation, I thought to myself that Funneh would be so devastated, that's why I thought Funneh would be interested, but I guess not. 

Anyways, I don't really have friends, I do have one friend that I've mentioned to Funneh, she's in my next class, but unfortunately she's only in two of my classes, but we try to make the most of it, *bell rings* well now I gotta go to my drama class. 

At Drama Class:

 Drama class was kinda like the club Funneh goes (well, used to) but with some differences. 

"Hey Gold!" My friend Claire said, saving a chair. "Hey Claire!" I said back, "What are we doing for drama today?" "I think were doing the mini film project." "Yes, I've been dying for this project!" If you don't know what this project is about, its about making a little mini movie, well I guess like a short mini movie.

 "Class please chose a partners for this project." The drama teacher Mrs. Tania said.

 Obviously, Claire and Me were chosen as partners, though we needed 3 people to do it but there weren't enough students so Mrs. Tania allowed us to be partners of two until the unexpected happened, Draco came in the classroom, Huh? I was really confused, Funnehs club was cancelled and now Draco's too?

 Draco was in the technology club so he never really came in this class but then why is he here now? 

"Oh Draco, what a surprise to see you here, we're just doing a project so you could go with Gold and Claire." Mrs. Tania said, "Ok." Draco said as he walked over to us.

 "Wait, aren't you suppose to be at the technology club?" Claire asked, "It got cancelled." Draco said, I guess I was right, though, I still feel bad, "Sorry for that happening Draco, but anyway we have to do this." I said.

We only started to plan what the idea for the mini animation.

 "So what should we do?" Draco asked, "I think we should do a mini movie about an animal." I said, "Ok but what kind?" Claire asked, "A bunny, though I don't know what it should do." I said," "A bunny finding the most beautiful dumpling in the world!" Draco said, "Any other idea's?" I asked ignoring Draco's idea, but no one answered, "Ok, I guess will go with Draco's idea." Claire continued, "I'll write it down so we could send it to the teacher."

 After that we handed it to the teacher, she thought it was a great and funny idea, which was good because I wouldn't want to get an "F" on something I didn't fully start on.

At The Locker Area's:

When drama class was over I went to look at the sign again, there was just a funny feeling when I did, until I realized that the school president poster had a text on the side saying that you could have a chance to revive a club or make one.

 Yes!  this is a prefect opportunity to convince Funneh that she should run for school president, though, I think I should tell Draco, I mean, he was pretty upset about the club being cancelled so I went to him and told him about it just in case.

 "Hey Draco." I said, "Gold, What is it?" Draco asked, "I just wanted to say that there's a way to bring back your club."  "What do you mean by that?" "If you sign up for president and win then you could bring your club back." "Really? Thanks Gold, but why are you telling me this?" "Because you seemed pretty upset." I said, " Well ok, thanks Gold, bye." "Bye." I left Draco's locker to tell Funneh the great news. 

Talking Break:

I probably forgot to mention this but in our school we had this kind of recess thing, though we don't play we talk for about 6 minutes at the café (Cafeteria.)

"Hey Gold," Funneh said, "Hey Funneh." I said, continuing, "Listen, I found a way to save your club!" "Your joking!" "Nope, all you have to do is win the school president thing to have control of getting the club back." "Great, when do we meet?" "What do you mean?" "Like a meeting." "oh probably tomorrow" "Oh ok, so we don't have to prepare for anything since its the first day right?" "Yeah, all we need to do is look professional, and and have a speech ready." "Good thing there isn't any competition." 

"Um, about that..." "Gold, what did you do?" "I kinda told Draco about it since his club got cancelled as well." "WHAT, he might win school president!" "Maybe he wont..." "Hmm, maybe, lets sign the president thing and bring back my club!"

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now