Works of Art. C5

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                                                                                     Lunar's POV 

At Break:

Draco runs towards me screaming out my name, oh brother, I could tell this was already going to be bad.

"Lunar, *breaths* I need you're help." He said, "What?" I asked, "It's about the president thing." "That thing? I was thinking of entering, but fine, but what do I get in return?" "You get? You're not getting anything in return." "Then I'm not helping."

He only takes one step, but then realized that he probably needed me, he walked back to me and said, "Fine, you can have half of power." "Nah." "You just said you wanted to enter!" "As a different role..." "Ok, what would you want?" I pulled out my phone to show Draco the picture, it was purple panda key chain, with lots of quality. "How much is it?" Draco asked, "Its 50$"  " WHAT, Come on Lunar, there has to be another one that's less expensive." "Nope, this one is the only good one I need." "Ok, deal." We both shook hands and went to their table. 

At the table:

The table had 4 people which seemed enough for the group, but I guess I could let it slide if I get that key chain.

Draco introduced me to the technology group who seemed pretty nice.


Elenore, Ajax, Cisco and Lisa.





Editors Note: (You can describe Ajax, Cisco and Lisa however you like, e.g. clothing and accessories).

"Hey guys, meet Lunar." Draco said, "Hi Lunar." They said, "Hey." I said back, "We we're just talking about how to save the club for tomorrow." Elenore said, "Its going well, I guess, but we don't have everything done." Cisco added, "For one, we still need to make a speech." Ajax said, "And make sure everything runs smoothly," Lisa said "Ok." I said, "You'll be making sure everything just runs smoothly." Draco said, 

Eh, that sounds simple, well, hopefully, "How do I do that?" I asked, "Here ill invite you in the Google Doc." Elenore said. 

She asked me for my account and I gave it to her, she added me in and gives me permissions. 

"There you go." "Thanks." I said, I looked at the doc, it was pretty good. 

Basically the plan was to make a poster, but they almost decided to cancel until Draco said that I would do it, Then the speech, that isn't completed. And then the rest, the vote box, and some other special things for later.

"Ok, I think I can make the poster in a few days." I said, "Great, you could come back to us later." Ajax said, then I went to my next class.

At Science Class:

When I entered the room, Mr. Cannibas (The science teacher,)  was too distracted on getting everything prepared, I was only one minute late, so I quickly got to my desk before Rainbow, (who's also in my class,) Or Mr. Cannibas notices.

"Ok class, today we are going to do a science experiment, I know its been a very long time since we've done one, but at least were doing one now. So, our project is going to be one of the classics, making a volcano, but, before you say that is will be boring, here's the twist, you get to decide what liquid comes out, instead of lava, it could be any liquid, as long as its resonable then I'll accecpt it."

 As most of the class sighed I thought it was intresting, making you're own volcano seems nice. 

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, will be doing this with partners."

 Why did he have to say that word, partners, I don't do partners, some people who partner up with me just let me do all the work, and then some of them that just do all the work for me, though, that was kinda enjoyable unless you actually wanted to do the work. But the main reason why I hate working in partners is that I'm not the talkative one, as you can tell, I'm probably the least social one comparing to my siblings, some of them could shy there and there but mostly talk.

Once Mr. Cannibas assigned the partners, he gave almost all of them, then said, "Since Lunar isn't here today you can be with Rainbow." He said to a student, Oh great, he thinks I didn't show up. "Actually Mr. Cannibas, Lunar is here." Rainbow said, "Oh, I crossed her off, its ok, Lunar you can be with Oscar."  "*Sigh*" I sighed. 

Not him, if you don't know who Oscar is, let me tell you something, Oscar is lazy as heck, his middle name is "loafer" which explains a lot about him. 

(Also just describe him however you like, im too lazy -_-)

He went to my desk and said about.... nothing. I had to talk to him, but I sounded so shy for no reason. 

"So, uh, what's our liquid gonna be?" "Eh... I don't know, I don't care." Wow. He's going to be hard to deal with. "I do so-" "No one asked." YOU $@#%&. sorry, I'm just so pressed with him right now. It's time to show Oscar that we, well I, needed to get this over with so that I can do the poster for Draco to get the key chain.

"I don't care if you didn't ask, I didn't ask you to be my partner. Let's just get this done." I said, "Fine." He said, ok, now for the liquid, "I think it should be cat blood." I said that as a joke but Oscar just said, "Fine." 

So I basically wrote everything on the sheet, I just knew that this wasn't going to be fun.

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now