Troublemakers? More Like Risk Takers C13

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                                                                                   Draco's POV

Editors Note: Before we begin, let's see Draco and Funneh's posters:

(Cedits To Canva For Helping Me With The Posters)



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Now let's begin

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Now let's begin....

At The Gym

I wonder why Mr. Fortune called us all early, it was probably because we had to prepare sooner or later, but I geuss I'll find out.

"The reason why we called everyone early is because we are having the talent show earlier then we thought, the rest of the school will be in the theater room watching the talent show while we will be putting up all of our poster's, don't worry, the staff will be filming and putting it on YouTube." Mr. Fortune said, 

"The teacher's in this room will be handing some paper with a room name on it, for an example, the lunch room, you and your members will be putting your posters and voting bins in that room, there will be two future presidents in each place. Go go go!"

I went to one of the teacher's and got the theater room, great... that's the hardest room considering almost the whole school would be there.

"What room did we get?" Cisco walked up to me with the rest of the team, "I got the theater room." I said disappointed, "That's good, people would see our posters the most." Lisa said, "But it would be pretty crowded." Ajax said, "Guys, we can't keep complaining, we got to go before the other future president and their team get there!" Elenore reminded us.

In The Theater Room:

We quickly ran to the theater, but when we reached there, surprisingly, Funneh and Gold were there before us and hanged almost half of their poster's!

"Were too late, they covered almost all of the walls!" Elenore panicked, "Then we have to atleast put two on the wall, but we need to split up, we'll be much faster." Lisa said.

Me, Ajax, and Cisco partnered up while Lisa and Elenore were going to cover what was left.

"Guys, I think I found a way, but it's risky." Ajax said, "What's the way?" Cisco asked, "Follow me, I'll show you guys." Ajax replied.

We followed him as he was leading us backstage were luckily no one was there to see us.

"We have to tie the poster on the stage pull thing or whatever, and lift it till everyone else can see it, then we let it go and everyone would get it." "What? Wouldn't the staff see it and send us to the office?" I asked him, "Maybe we could distract them..." Cisco said wickedly.

 He pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Ways to distract your teacher's without getting in trouble." He typed, "Oh, I got that covered, just find out how you guys can do the stunt."

Cisco ran out backstage and sat down on an empty seat, he looked around and saw someone kicking someone else's chair, "TEACHER! HE'S KICKING SOMEONES CHAIR."

One of the teacher's went towards them and sorted out the situation, Cisco put did a thumbs up at me and I knew that he was playing the tattle-tail game, and everything was going smooth on his end, now it was time to focus on Ajax's and I's situation, how to hang this poster.

"It's not going steady on it's own, it's too thin." I said, "What need is something to keep it still." Ajax said as he was looking around, "Draco, can you hold on to the poster, I can tie this around you and I promise in asap I'll get you down." "No way man, that's too obvious!" I disagreed with his idea, "Cisco is a great distracter, I know that, the teachers wont see us, just trust me." "Ok, fine."

I had to do this for everyone in the team, if I don't theirs a chance we wont make it to the next round, and theirs another chance that I would get in trouble, those are all bad chances, but Ajax said it would be risky and I agreed, so now I had to do this.

"Ok, I'm sending you up in 3, 2, 1, now!" Ajax said as he lifted the puller to send me up, "AHHHH-" I started to scream, "shhhhhh" I quickly closed my mouth as the curtians we're opening.

In the meantime, it was Rainbow performing a song (Butter by BTS, Cerdits to them if needed. Search: Butter by BTS to find it on any platform). Rainbow was singing for the singing club since their club is almost getting canceled, if they get a nice approval from the staff the club would stay opened, I just hope I don't ruin that, I'm done with doing favours.

Anyway, the stage was opening, I put the poster's over my face so no one, (the teacher's) knew who I was, but that wont be hard to tell since the poster's have my name on it.

"🎶Smooth, like, butter, like a criminal undercover-🎶" you know how that song goes, but somehow Rainbow's voice was so good that all of the teacher's (staff), looked at her, ignoring all of Cisco's complaints, Now I was doomed.

I shaked the strap to tell Ajax to lower me down but the string, strap, thing was untiyng itself.

I dropped all of the poster's on the stage and holded on to the rope, luckily I was turned around so no one could see my face, I felt like I was about to fall.

*Gasp*, the audience (students), were shocked screaming on the top of their lungs for help, the staff were dialing the medical care in our school to help me get down safely.

Before they colud, Ajax pulled the rope down in the baddest timing he could ever do. As I went down, I felt dizzy and speechless. 

R-run..." I said, He held my hand as we ran outside of the theater.

"Phew, that was-" Ajax was about to say, "Close?" "The school medic/nurse said, "Not a chance, you both are coming with us."

Now this is were the trouble began.

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now