Mistakes at Break. C9

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                                                                                   Rainbows POV


At Talking Break:

Uhhhhhh! I'm so bored! I don't have much friends (like my siblings), to talk to, so all I do for break is go on my phone and play candy crush.

As I was playing, Lunar came up to me with a wicked idea up her sleeve....

"Hey Rainbow, wanna skip break?" She asked me, "Go ask someone else." I said in annoyance, "I can't, everyone's busy with the President thing." "Well, I don't want to." "Rainbow come on, will get slushies then will head back." The slushies do sound delicious.... "Ok fine, but we have to go straight back before break ends." "You aren't going to make it in time if we don't go now."

I cant believe I fell for Lunar's brag, but theirs no time to think about it, right now we had 10 minutes, we cant stop for a single thing. 

Once we saw the exit door we ran outside before someone came.

"WE DI-" I was about to cheer when Lunar covered my mouth, "They might here us..." Lunar said, "Come on!" 

At Slushies:

Ahh, finally, were at Slushies, my favorite place to go when I want a snack.

Anyway, Lunar and I only had 6$, (since we didn't expect to sneak out), but luckily for us the slushies were cheap.

When we went to the cashier, I ordered a strawberry slushy and Lunar ordered a grape slushy, which cost exactly 6$. 

We got our slushies but we only had 3 minutes left, WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO? We cant bring the slushies to school with us!

"We only have 3 minutes left Lunar, were running out of time!" I panic, "Let's quickly sip our slushies then get out of here!" She said,

We quickly sipped the slushies with our straws, almost everyone looked at us since it was making lots of noise. We didn't care, we just had to go, go, go!

At The School Entrance:

When we reached the school I totally forgot that I had gym for the next period! Oh my gosh I'm gonna puke!

"Ugh, I regret doing this.." I said, "Why? Didn't we do exactly what you said, go for a slushy then come back." Lunar recapped, "We did, but I realized I have gym, and now I might throw up." "Whelp, just remind yourself that it was all your fault." "WHAT, You were the one that bragged me!" "You were the one who agreed." 

She then left to her class and acted like it never happened. I just hope the security camera's weren't on. Its been broken for a long time now, but I still have that feeling that its on. I have more problems now, facing gym.

At Gym Class:

I'm not the best at gym but I try to it anyway, I just have to hope that its nothing too interacting.

"Alright class, today were going to be playing dodgeball, but first we need to warm up by joging. Go! Go! GO!" Our gym teacher Mr. Bleaker said.

 Jogging!? Ok Rainbow, you got this, all will do is just speed walk.

Mr. Bleaker blew his whistleblower and everyone started to run, I tried to blend in with the crowd so that the coach didn't tell me to walk up, but of course he did.

"Rainbow, why are you jogging slow?" Funneh questioned me, (Funneh is in my gym class.) "I always go slow." I tell her, "Yeah, but not this slow..." "Do not tell anyone about this but-" "FUNNEH, RAINBOW, KEEP JOGGING *blows whistle* GYM ISNT FOR CHITCHAT." Mr. Bleaker yelled. 

Funneh kept jogging while I was speed walking, I'm surprised I didn't throw up yet, but I still had to keep my cool, I just have to pass dodgeball.

"Ok class, everyone get in a straight line so that I can choose the teams." Mr. Bleaker said. He blew the whistle and everyone ran to do what he asked.

We were all lined up on the wall waiting for Mr. Bleaker to choose teams.

"1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2,..." Coach said, pointing at everyone in the gym, I got number 2 like Funneh did, luckily for me Funneh was quiet good at dodgeball, I was a little decent, but not as better then her.

 "Number 1's stay here, number 2's run to the other side of the wall in 10, 9,-" Ugh, why did we have to run!!

When I made to the other side of the wall my stomach started to growl, I need to quickly finish this 1 game then get out of here.

The coach blew his whistleblower and everyone ran to the ball as I stayed with my stomach paining me, they threw the dodgeballs on the wall and began throwing it at their opponents.

I just tried to dodge the ball and haven't got hit yet which was good.

 "Rainbow, why aren't you throwing the ball! Were gonna lose!" Funneh said, "I.. don't want to." I replied, "Why?" "Because-"

As I was explaining to Funneh someone threw the ball right at my stomach... Ouch! I fell down on the floor landing on my butt as I covered my mouth. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom without asking the coach.

At The Girl's Bathroom:

I ran to the nearest bathroom stalls to puke, I didn't care if it had anything in the toilet I just quickly had to choose one, I went to the one closet to my left and puked right on time. 

I flushed the toilet and went to wash my hands until I saw Lunar come in, she must be here to do what I did just now..

"Here to you know what, huh?" I asked, "What, I just need to use the bathroom." Lunar said confused, "So its not bothering you?" "No? What are you talking about?" "Nothing, I just need to go..." I said as I ran to my gym class.

Gosh I'm gonna get in so much trouble... (P.s I didn't!)

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now