Interruptions I Tell You... C20

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                                                                                    Lunar's POV

Finally as everyone waited forever the movie began. Their were two parents (Marvin and Mariam) and 4 kids, (Maya, (14) Mark,(12) Micheal(12) and May.(9)) you already know the rest butI'll explain anyway. 

Mariam cooked the first meal which was a kind of classic meal (depending on whatever,) chicken and rice. They all sat at the dinning table with forks and juice. Suddenly, Marvin's drink spills and he disappeared, no one knew where he went but-

"AHH" I screamed as someone pushed my chair from the back, "SHHHH" Draco shoshed me, "What the fu-" I about to say.

I quickly looked around as I realized that almost everyone inside was staring at me, I got up and sat on my seat like it never happened.

I guess I'll continue. No one knew where he went but was determined to find out. So the next feast they had was the classic protein, fries with the cheesy sauce, this time, the little girl May got taken, they called an amber alert but no one seemed to know nor care.

So, they need to start a plan, which is to-

Hey! Someone threw a buttery popcorn at me! I turn to the way the popcorn was thrown and it was Funneh secretly laughing with Draco giggling along.

"What the heck guys!" I said as I threw popcorn back at her, "Hey!" Funneh said annoyed, she threw a popcorn back that missed me and hit Draco instead, "Ow... what the-" Draco said squeamishly, then he threw a peice at Funneh.

My siblings and I start the craziest wars I tell you...

We kept throwing popcorn at each other while Gold was looking at us llike she wished she didnt know us which I would wish to if I was in her place. 

Funneh threw one peice so hard it over missed and hit someones head, it broken into small crumbles and fell on his body. We tried to act like we didn't do it but unfortunately he knew what we did.

With that he got his big popcorn bag which was half-way full and dumped it on the three of us, the worst part was that it was extra buttery.

"Yuck!" I said disguised,  "Ugh, now we have to see the best part with popcorn all over us." Funneh complained, "This kind of feels like a free snack." Draco said looking at the bright said, "Right... I'm cleaning myself up." I said as I got up to leave.

In The Bathroom:

I walked out of the theater room leaving popcorn trails behind and went to the bathroom to clean half of myself up as it would take too long to clean all of it. After I finished I quickly ran back do that no one could see me, and wonder, what the heck happened to her?!

Inside The Movie Theather:

I went back inside to go watch the rest of the movie hoping that the guy who threw the popcorn at us was gone, luckily he was, but let's continue on, again...

 They needed to start a plan, which was to be prepared at all times. They would keep there eyes peeled if they saw anything and avoid drinks.

The next day the mother made taco's with beef, cheedered cheese, lettuce tomato and whatever else. They sat at the table and ate, this time, it didn't happen so quickly, though, everyone saw Micheal get yeeted away from a knife. They knew that they had to-

"Excuse me," a theater staff said, "You guys have to come with us for a while." "Who, us?" Funneh asked, "Yes, the three of you, we got a complaint from someone that you guys were throwing popcorn everywhere." 

None of us said a word and instead walked with the theather staff, I guess were in some trouble, again...

In The Theather Staff Room:

"I'm just letting you off with a warning, you guys are young, but you can't come back here until January 31st, got it?" "Yes." We all said.

If you werent clear of what was going on, we all got kicked out for 24 days, though we could still watch the rest of the movie.

"How are we suppose to tell Mom and Dad?" Funneh asked, "We don't, we probably wont go to the movies in any of those times." I said, "Thats ture, but if we do..." Draco said, "Were Dead.." Funneh gave up, "Will be more dead if we don't go back in before the movie ends."I remind them.

(You Know What This Place Is...)

We rushed back again into the theater with the movie almost being over so I might as well skip some and move into here.

Mark was the last one left, he wanted to get his family back but he didn't know how. He searched on the web to find out on how to get them back.

He got helpful results and finally knew where to go. After it killed everyone but Mark it left its knife on the kitchen table. In case of anything, Mark carried the knife and ran out to find his family.

He made it to this broken up apartment and went in the elevator, he pressed 1, 3, 6, 9. 3 times as a code and went down below when the code worked.

"You made it I see." The person who killed Mark's family spoke, he wore a black hood and stayed hidden in the shadows, "Give me back my family!"  Mark demanded, "You'll have to beat me first." He chuckled.

Just like any movie seen, Mark had to fight the killer, he had learned lots of fighting moves from his brother so he thought it was easy, but of course he was wrong.

The killer's hood turned red as he flew up in air, he had all powers that Mark didn't. He puched Mark and Mark fell down.

Mark felt energy in the air, he knew his family was depending on him, if he lost he loses everything. He got charged up and defeated the killer like dough.

Just as the killer promised Mark had his family united together, and lived a slightly normal life.

Woah, that was better than I expected.

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now