Alone at Home C18

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                                                                                     Draco's POV

My parents said that they would leave at 11:00am to 1:30pm as usual, this time I didn't come because of the last complaint at the restaurant from that Karen...

When they left, I had to figure out on how to contact the group, I knew Lunar could but I needed to tell them more, I went inside my parents room and looked for my phone, it was stacked with Lunar's and Rainbows phone as well, so it would be kind of easy to spot if they were on top of each other. I looked at the second shelf and there was our phones, stacked as I said, mines was at the bottom, I had to be careful before all of them tumble and break, somehow, I managed to get my phone, now, I can contact the group to let them know the plan.

Draco: Guys, you here?

TTNCPA (The Technology Club President Assistants): Yeah, were sorry abt you guys getting suspended for a day.

Draco: It's fine, I rather not go to school right now, but did Lunar tell you guys that I can't work with you anymore?

TTNCPA (The Technology Club President Assistants): No?!

Draco: This might have to be our last meeting yet, so we have to make sure we get things done today.

TTNCPA (The Technology Club President Assistants): Alright, I'll tell the other's on how will do this, just send us the details on the Google Doc.

Draco: Got it.

I went to the Google Doc and wrote out the plan, hopefully it was good enough to work on, they would give me back on what they worked on Monday, then, it all goes down to me to make sure it goes right, I don't know when the other meetings are but I guess I had to be prepared.

I went on my Google Classroom to see if there were any homework I had to work on, luckily there wasn't a lot of homework to complete other than the ones I didn't finish yet.

I played some Roblox games for a while until 1:00pm, I didn't want my parents to see me using my phone of course, so incase they come home early I put it back with the rest of the phones.

I didn't know what to do now, its been only 5 minutes, I needed to work on something... I know, I'll make a new poster for the votes of the president club so I get in top 10, it would be pretty hard to do, but it was the only thing I could do.

While I still worked on the poster  Mom and Dad came home, it was 1:33pm at the time so they came home at a pretty ok time in their case, but I had a feeling they knew that something was up.

"Draco, what are you working on?" Mom asked, "I'm doing a poster for the president club." I replied, "You can work on that tomorrow, your still grounded. But have you finished your homework?" "Yes." "Ok, you can do the dishes in the meantime, then when your done, you can fix up the place, its been looking dirty lately." "Ok Mom."

I put the poster away and started cleaning the dishes, then work on cleaning the couch, until I found some underneath it..

It was a like a picture, a picture of lots of kids, little ones, (It was probably the five of us and a other kid as well,) I couldn't tell on where we were but I guess we were at home, celebrating Christmas? Oh well, I put it in the baby picture book and continued to clean.

I found lots of things under the couches, Barbie heads, wrappers, old baby toys, and crumbled up paper with writing that I couldn't even read. Since when have we cleaned under the couch is what I want to figure out, or maybe some of us haven't cleaned well.

I had many more places to clean and so much more to do, lets hope I make it, because this just wasn't worth it.

Editors Note:

Sorry about this chapter being short, it was just at one setting and it felt pretty boring, I'm glad the people who stayed enjoyed this chapter. But now, let us start chapter 19! :) .

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now