The Siblings Triple Detention. C14

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                                                                                Rainbow's POV

What the heck just happened?! One second ago I was singing, the next my brother comes in and ruins it! Ugh, I hope Draco's doing ok though, but I couldn't worry about that, its his fault anyway. So I kept singing as everyone was whispering about who the person might be since they couldn't see his face.

Once I was finished, everyone (probably,) forgot about it and clapped,

"Thank you Rainbow, now the last performance from Michael." The teacher managed to say, ignoring the incident.

Since I had some time, maybe, just in case something really bad happens, I should spy on the conversation with the principle, Draco and someone else.

At The School Office:

I tiptoed to the office making sure I haven't been seen by anyone, peeked down behind the vase, luckily, I could hear them loud and clear, and sounds like they got in a lot of trouble.

"I can't believe one of my students would do this crazy heck of a stunt! You could of hurt yourself and ruin a sutdent, no wait, your own sister prefromance!" Principle Fortune raised his voice at them, "And you Ajax!? Why would you agree with this!?" "I didn't agree, I was the one who suggested the idea." Ajax admits, "Im very disappointed, you two don't deserive to run for school preident, let's see if your parents agree with me." Mr. Fortune said as he picked up the phone.

Oh man, he's calling our/their parents, their dffenity dropping out of the school presidents race, if the principle can't make em, the parents will.

"Draco, go see the medic, after that both of you will wait here untill you get picked up from your parents, they'll be devisatied to hear this." Mr Fortune said, "Ok Principle Fortune." Draco followed his orders.

I quickly ran out of their before Draco could spot me, but unfortunately, he did.

"Rainbow!? Are you spying on us." Draco questioned me, "Yeah, but your so getting in trouble." I said, "I know, but I'm sorry for ruining your chances of winning for the Singing Club." "It's fine, but you-" just then I got interrupted by the announcements.

"Rainbow La And Lunar La please come to office, Rainbow and Lunar please come to office, thank you." Mrs. Charline, the office worker said.

Oh my gosh... they found out, now were both dead.

"Um, I'm gonna go before he knows I'm talking to you." Draco said, and speed walked to the medic room.

I went back some steps to make it look like I wasn't standing at the office, I saw Lunar coming out of the theater room, I thought it would've ended by now, but guess not..

"I'm going to ask you guys a simple question," Mr. Fortune said in a calm tone which was scaring me, but he was just yelling minutes ago.

"Did you or did you not skip school?" "No, we were in the cafeteria room all when recess began." Lunar lied,. "How did you know it was at that time?" "Lucky guess" "Well then, you wouldn't mind explaining this then." 

He played a clip from the security camera's, it was Lunar and I escaping school, the second clip was us returning back from school, so we (Lunar,), couldn't lie about not being at that setting.

"Yes, we did skip school.." I said, "I-" Lunar was about to say when I cut in, "I convinced her to, I'm sorry."

I don't know why I said it, but this was kinda my fault for agreeing with the idea instead of saying no. 

Draco comes back in the room and telling by face he was pretty shock to see us in detention.

 "I'm very disappointed, three siblings including a friend get in detention at the same time, I thought that was Funneh and Gold's thing but I guess it's not." Mr. Fortune said.

Funneh and Gold got in detention with each other three times before, but now its suddenly opposite day, and the three of us siblings get in detention.

A few minutes passed and our parents, including Ajax's were not happy parents at the moment. I could already visualize the punishment, and it wasn't the prettiest one.

After Principle Fortune explained on what all of us did, he said that Draco would be suspended for a day, and Lunar and I would have a detention. Good thing he didn't ask us where we went.

In The Car:

"I can't believe it, not one, not two, but three of my kids are getting detention and suspension!?" Dad said furious, "I-" I wanted to apologize, but dad cut me off, "I don't want to hear it, at all." 

After that, it was just silence. At this time was 10:15am, when recess ended. My parents go to the resturant at 11:00am, to 1:30pm. But for our punishment they'll probably bring us along. 

At home:

This was really bad, we had to stay in our rooms for half an hour, then get ready for the resturant. The reason why I'm saying this is bad because I have nothing to do, obviously we couldnt use our devices, and the only thing we could do is just read, read, read.

At 10:30am:

Minutes passed, and our parents finally called us to get ready. Mostly, our jobs were to wash the dishes before and after costumers eat, and trust me, that's a lot of work, but, when Mom and Dad are busy they leave me with the cashier, (a better role than a dishwasher.)

I got out of my bed and got on my dishwasher outfit.

I got out of my bed and got on my dishwasher outfit

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Lets just hope this goes well, but what could possibly go wrong in a restaurant? (A lot actually.)...

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now