Karens, Lies, and Lifts. C15

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                                                                                     Lunar's POV

We were in the car now driving to the restaurant. Mom was at another restaurant teaching the other's, (the workers in training,), on what goes on in the restaurant. Other people were working there now since yesterday Dad told us that they'd be hiring servants. We don't know if it went well, or not, but if it did then we didn't have to do the work, but either way we would have nothing to do.

At The Restaurant:

Our restaurant was pretty small but big at the same time, today wasn't a busy hour so luckily we weren't going to do much dishwashing.

"Shoot, I totally forgot," Dad said frustrated, "I have to talk to the health inspector on the phone, its going to take a while so, Rainbow, I need you to take over the cashier role, but its just temporally. ""Ok Dad." Rainbow said. "Remember, the foods left in the fridge." He said and ran in a flash.

When both of our parents leave the restaurant,  Rainbow takes charge. 

"Guys we have to clean these fast, we cant let everyone know that were short on staff." Rainbow said, "But were just 2 off." Draco complained, "Its not a lot." I agreed with him. "Both of our parents are gone. It's makes process 2 times slower, so just go! "Rainbow demanded.

Draco and I went to the back to get started on making the dishes before everyone came in, but a few minutes later I hearded shouting from the register, they sounded like a tottal Karen.

"WHERE'S THE MANAGER, I DON'T WANT TO BE SEVERED BY SOME CHILDREN." She yelled, "Um,  will get him right away mam." Rainbow said and rushed to the back.

"Guys we have a problem..." She said, "Already?" Draco said, "Theirs a Karen in the Restaurant and she said she doesn't want a "kid" to take their order, and we know Dad's busy, so we need to find an adult." "Or make one..." I thought, "What?" Draco said confused and disgusted, "Will just dress up like one." "Wont that get us in trouble again?" Rainbow asked, "Were gonna get in more trouble if we don't get this Karen what she wants." I said, "So, Draco, can you be the-" "Fine." He said like he already knew what I was saying.

"Wait, but we don't have a suit." "We don't need a suit, will just need to make him an adult, we just need to make him tall, here." Rainbow said as she gave Draco height increaser things, "Wait, how do you have this?" Draco asked, "No time for questions just go!"

Draco put on the lifts and walked to the Karen.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG." She yelled once again, "I was just busy mam, what's the problem." Draco said in a "mature voice" "There was a kid at the register!" She lowered her voice, "Oh, that's just my niece, she always does that when no ones aro- I mean available, I'll take you to your table" " Wow, I didn't know you Managed to be this hot and cold..." "She flirted with him, "Hehe, funny joke mam. You manage to make jokes." Draco said thinking it was a joke, "OH MY GOSH, HOW RUDE, THIS IS A ONE STAR RESTAURANT!" She said and walked off like she was on the red carpet.

"Did I say something wrong?" Draco asked, "Uh, lets just say you did." Rainbow said, "More costumers, Rainbow, do you have more of those lifts?" I asked, " I have enough for all of us." She said, "I think will put this on, just incase."

The three of us put on our lifts and started to get to get to work, Draco walked the costumers to their table. Rainbow got their menus, there were two adults and three kids, in the meanwhile as we waited for them to order, Rainbow, Draco and I had our lunch as it was 12:50pm.

5 minutes later Rainbow came to take their order. For the two kids they ordered Burger and fries, for the drink, Apple Juice and for their dessert, brownies. The parents ordered Grilled cheese, and for their drinks, coffee with no sugar. Draco ran back to Me and Rainbow with the order.

 "Ok, the kids order is Burgers and fries, Apple juice and Brownies." he said.

We checked the fridge and luckily found it, we remembered to fry the burger patty's to 160 to 165° (that should take up to 10 minutes.). We then fried the fries that was to 375° and was 6 minutes.

"Wait, where are the apple juices?" Rainbow asked, "There probably in the fridge." I said while checking, "see." "I think that has to be in a plastic cup, those are jucie boxes." Rainbow said, "Then just sqrirk the apple juice out." Draco said, "Isn't that unsanitary." I asked, "Welp, Dad put it their so it probably isn't." Rainbow said and dumped the apple juice out.

"Ok, I'll deliver this to the kids now." Draco said, "Ok, what was the parents order again?" Rainbow asked, "It was Grilled cheese and Coffee." "I saw the Grilled cheese in the fridge, so we have that." I said.

We put the bread in the toaster and melted the cheese, in that time we tried to look for the coffee, but all there was were things to make coffee.

"I guess Dad forgot to make the coffee." I said, "I think he wanted us to make the coffee, well, actually me to, cause I'm the only one who knows how to make one." Rainbow said proudly, "Yeah, Yeah.." I said a little jealous.

Rainbow made the coffees at the flick of an eye and in the exact time that the food was done, "Ok Draco, were done." Rainbow said giving him the order.

We were basically doing this until it was time to leave, and I was truly exhausted, I need a nap...

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now