The Window Knocker C21

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                                                                                Funneh's POV

Saturday January 6th:

It's finally Saturday! No more school, no more working on the president stuff, just a nice relaxing-

*knock, knock, knock.* 

Ugh, who keeps knocking on the window? I  Look up and down but their was nothing again. I need to find out who this is, by myself, it would be too obvious do it with lots of people.

I got up, put on black so they couldn't see me, and quickly made a fake clone of myself so they think its me.

I sneaked outside and hid in the bushes, made a little hole so that I could hear them if they speak.

"Just one more time Domain, she'll be so sleepy." A guy about my age said, I couldn't see much but one person with a remote control, so I turned my view to the window so I could see what was next for this guy.

A drone?! That's what was knocking on my window! But why would he do this?

"Hey! Stop knocking on my window!" I yelled at him, "Yikes!" He said as he ran away.

I chased after him as he was going to a park to try and lose me but I was smarter than that, so when he went down the slide I blocked him so he couldn't run anymore.

"Why the heck are you knocking on my window!?" I said, "Calm down! Calm down! Can we explain somewhere else, there's people you know!" He said, "Fine." I agreed.

We sat at the bench to talk and I was pretty scared and confused, mostly confused...

"I'm Jake, Ajax's brother if you know him, he's working with your brother, I wanted to help him so that I could get some thanks from them and have credits for what I do." Jake explained, "Then ask them." I said, "I did, he said no because what I've done with the speech." "That explains a lot." 

"Anyways Funneh, I won't stop doing this until you help me." "What!? I thought we were good." "No way. I'm your enemy right now." "Then why do you need my help?" "I need to improve on Domain's engineering, I don't have time to go to the shop that's opens at 11:30am. So, either take Domain with you and fix him, or get knocked until this missions done."

"Seems easy enough, as along as you stick with the deal, I'll do it." "Great, here's the list of what you need, the store closes faster than you think so be quick."

And he we off. So now you get why I'm scared and confused.

I walked back home and it was 8:55am, that's at least two hours until I had to go. I knocked at the door since I forgot to open it.

"Funneh?! Why does it look like you climbed on a tree and fell down on sand?" Rainbow asked, "Let's just say I did." I walked in.

I took a quick shower and got some cereal, I couldn't tell anyone about this deal because its just suppose to be quick, and others will make it longer.

I went back in my room and checked the time, 10:04am! I think I'm being paranoid but in a different way. I need something to distract me, but what.... got it! I'll post a video on YouTube!

I had some pretty good ideas that would take time, but is worth a shot! I'll make my own Minecraft world, it can be all about me and what I want, this project will be so epic! I just need to find thousands of tutorials and I'll be done.

It was 10:32am and I fully understood everything, I jumped in to Minecraft and went on creative mode, the world looked so cute! 

I checked the clock again, then I realized that I read the clock wrong, it was 11:32am! Jake is going to kill me!

I ran out the door in a flash and read the instructions on how to get there, the shop was called Eddy's Engineering, it luckily wasn't that far away and closed in 4 hours.

"Hello, I'm looking for some parts to upgrade do- I mean, this drone's engineering." I said to a help worker, "Alright, what parts are you looking for?" He asked me, "Well," I quickly looked at the list, " A better camera, range and signal, better night vison and more durability." "That's a lot of things, this will take hours to do, come back tomorrow at 10:00am, I can fix this for you." He said politely. 

Great, all that rush for a, "Come back tomorrow."  ugh.

I went back inside with the rest of the family in there rooms, it was almost lunch time so I made myself some leftover pizza and went into my room to eat.

While I was in there, I wondered, maybe I could use this drone for a little while, I mean it won't hurt anyone, right? Domain is programed to be nice, right? And it wouldn't harm him, right? How bad can this possibly be?

I went out the door and tested the drone out, when it was awake, it looked different, very different.

"Domain?" I said, even though I knew he couldn't talk, "Domain, I am Henry." He spoke, "Ahh!" I jumped, "Don't be afraid, I'm nice." "No, no, I'm not afraid I'm just shocked." "Oh, well, did you steal me?" "No, I-" "You human! They always want us for terrible things!" "That's not-" "True? If it wasn't I wouldn't be here right now. So have fun getting arrested, I'm calling the police, and going back to where I truly belong, and no it's not Eddy's Engineering." "But you have to go back!" "Why? So you can be free? nuh-uh!"

Henry flew away as fast as he could and I was scared for my life, there was a chance that I could go to jail...

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now