The Dirty and Clean Play. C7

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                                                 (This chapter will be longer then the others)

                                                                             Gold's POV

Wednesday Jan 3rd,

In Gold's Room:

Todays the day! Funneh and I would be going to the meeting! Right now it was 7:45am, not too early but not too late either, I got up and put on my clothing that I would wear, it was a golden necklace and a white top, with a black sweater (if I needed one), and black pants.

In Funneh's Room:

I ran to Funneh's room and shook her until she'd wake up.

 "Gold... stop shaking me...." "Sorry Funneh, but you wouldn't wake up, but anyways. We gotta rush, we have to make it a 8:00am because this morning everyone would line up to the gym and-" I got cut off by Funneh "Yeah, yeah, I know...." "Funneh are you tired?" "Obviously..." "Wait a minute... Did you play video games for the whole night!" "Not the whole night..." "Oh Funneh, but we have to go, get ready,  and bring the poster, Draco is already done stairs." "Ok, Ok." 

She got up and did what she had to do to get ready.

At the doorway:

We both ran downstairs quickly with Rainbow, Draco and Lunar waiting. Lunar nor Rainbow weren't dressed up, because they weren't going to the meeting, but Draco was. He was in a green suit with a black tie, and black and green lined pants, with an emerald ring on his ruby ring finger. Sine when did we have that stuff! 

When he say me and Funneh he laughed, ugh, how rude.

 "*Laughs*" Draco laughed, "What's so funny Draco? Are you laughing because you know how ridiculous you were to go up against me?" Funneh said, "No *giggles* I'm laughing because of your outfit, do you think that's going to win you president?" "No Draco, I think it's going to us more than that, it will win us... well, everything!" I said, "Sure, Sure." Lunar said as we we're waiting for mom to come.

"Ok, kids I'm ready, you guys look so nice. We have to go right now before you're late, its 7:55am, you might be 2 minutes late so you'll  have to run inside." Mom said, Not running! I can't run with this on. Mom opened the door as we ran inside the car.

At School:

Once we were at school Mom waved to us while we got out, we waved back and ran inside quickly as we could, gosh my feet were tired.

In The Gym:

We were inside, we went to the gym and were amazed on how much people were there, I could tell you right now that it looked like their were almost a thousand people there, though, it was just at least 40 students which was a bigger number than we expected.

"Woah, that's a lot of people..." I said, "You think we could get president now?" Funneh asked, "There's a possibility." I said, "Do you have the script?" "Yep, lets see where we could put this poster." 

We went to look for the teachers to ask, they said to put the posters on the booth, and I couldn't believe we we're still doing this, beating 40 students would be hard, but I had faith in us.

We waited at the bench as the bell rang, it was 8:12am, which meant students must be coming soon, we were told to go on the stage, though if you were wondering, the curtains were closed. The teachers gave us numbers to know which one of us would be going up first. I was shaking and so was Funneh. 

We peeked to see what was going on and saw everyone waiting to see the presidents.

"Welcome everyone, I am Mr. Fortune and welcome to the presidents who will be presenting today as our new president, our last president was Arthur Brunch who is now in 9th grade and now you 7th graders (our grade), will be taking president for 4 in a half years. But any who lets get to our first maybe future president." 

Our number was 9 and I wish we were in the double digits. I was trying to peek to see what Draco's number was but I knew he was coming after us since it looked like their were double digits numbers.

Its been a few minutes and all I could say was that some of the contestants were pretty bad, and one of them was too inappropriate to talk about and some of them were probably better than ours, But anyway, Funneh was almost going up next, we we're still shaking as if it was 0 degrees inside. Once they called number 9 Funneh was walking on to the stage "You got this!" I whispered, then she went on.

 Once they called number 9 Funneh was walking on to the stage "You got this!" I whispered, then she went on

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                                  (The script is what Funneh had said btw)

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                                  (The script is what Funneh had said btw)

"Thank you." She said, nervously, when she was about to walk off, mostly everyone clapped for her, I clapped louder than everyone else and they could all hear me, but I didn't care, it was amazing! 

"I did it!" Funneh said, "That was so amazing Funneh! Everyone loved it!" I said, "Yeah, let's hope that enough to go in top 20."(If they get enough votes they could go to the top.) But after our celebration they called Draco up.

He got his scripts out and walked on stage presenting his speech.

OH MY GOSH. DRACO CHEATED. He got the speech from Google!

I know because I was planning to cheat as well but I realized it would be too obvious so I got an idea of it and said it in my own words, but Draco straight up copied it! I have to tell Funneh about this.

"Funneh!" I whispered, "What Gold, I know Draco's performance was good, but I think we might make in it in the 20's." "Your right, but I wanna talk about something else. Follow me." I said as Funneh did.

I asked the staff who were helping if we could go to the bathroom and they said yes, I pulled Funneh's hand as we ran in.

In The Girl's Bathroom:

"Gold what's the rush? Do you have to go that bad? "Funneh asked me, "No! Draco.... cheated." I said in a low voice, "WHAT." Funneh tones down her voice, "How?" "He copied it from Google." "Ugh, that cheater." "I know, we have to confront him." "Yeah, will... Blackmail him." "Blackmail?" "Yeah, if we tell the staff Draco cheated he'll be disqualified, but I don't wanna do that, and he'll have to yes to whatever the deal is and he'll do whatever we want." "So, basically we slave him?" "NO! We blackmail him." "Yes! Higher chances of getting president!" 

I know it was pretty dirty of us, but HE cheated, we didn't. 

We went back to the gym and prayed that we would get chosen for top 20.

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now