Operation Saving Funneh. C22

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                                                                                  Gold's POV

I was just on my phone looking for new cloths to buy for winter, when someone knocked on my door, not just mine, but so as everyone else's. I opened the door and everyone else did as well.

"Who knocked?" Rainbow asked, "Funneh did, she's the only one not here." Draco replied, "I think she's trying to call a family meeting." Lunar said, "Why?" I ask her, "Because it says so right on her door." Oh.

We walked into Funneh's room and she was sitting on her gaming chair looking more scared then ever.

"Is something wrong Funneh? You seem to be worried." Rainbow said, "No Rainbow, nothings wrong.... Yes! Why would I call a meeting for?" Funneh said, "Anyway, look, I'm gonna say this the simplest way I can, ok, there's a 99% chance that I will go to jail."

Everyone was silent, then we all burst out laughing.

"That is the worst lie that has come from your mouth!" I giggled, "Yeah, now, I'm going back in my room." Lunar said, "Guys, I'm serious ok, I shoplifted on accident." "What did you steal?" Draco said curiously, "A drone, I was then stoopy and turned it on because I wanted to see how the drone worked, and then it went away." "So what do you want us do?" "Help me, Were gonna put poster's up, tell them what happened and then dress up as that person who defends you in court. So, you guys with me?" 

Another silence hit the room, that was her worst plan ever...

"No." We all except Funneh said at the exact time, "Why not?" She asked us, "Because it's a you problem." Lunar replied, "Yep, I'm going."  Draco dipped, "Fine, I'll do it myself." Funneh said as everyone but me went.

"Funneh, I do believe that your in trouble, its just the plan, I think- I know your stressing out too much." I said honestly, "I didn't tell you everything, So let me tell you now." She began to talk.

Funneh explained about how Ajax's brother was the window knocker, the deal they made, how the mistaken one could talk and it calling the police?

"Woah, that was a lot." I said, "But how are we going to do this?"

Just then we heard a knock, it was Rainbow, Draco and Lunar, then I realized that they must of heard the whole entire thing.

"Funneh, will do it, but 2 things." Rainbow said, "Change the plan and do your half of the chores." "Deal." Funneh said miserably.

"Ok new plan, we track the new one, bring it back, get the original and hope the police don't come to our house." "Better, but how do we track it?" I asked, "We just use this tracker app." Draco said, "All we gotta do is it's name and code." "The name was Henry and I don't know the code." Funneh said, "Do you have the tag?" Rainbow asked, " No, Henry shredded it." "I guess I can still track it, just tell me which one it was." Draco said.

"Hmm, that one I think." "Ok, its at..... oh, Ajax's house." "If he's not the original then why is he going to his place?" Lunar asked, "Because he wanted to find a family, he knows what Ajax's brother, Jake named him because I said his name out." Funneh said, "I'll tell Ajax what's going on, you guys go to his place, here's the address." Draco said while getting a paper.

He wrote the address down and we quickly went down stairs to go short this thing out.

At Ajax's House:

We're finally here! That took hours to do, we knocked on his house and asked him for Henry.

"Bad news, Jake thinks I'm lying and now he's going to upgrade Henry!" Ajax said panicked for us, "What! We gotta stop him." Funneh said.

We all rushed into Jakes bedroom and found him already completed the upgrade.

"Domain's done." He said, "That's not your drone." Lunar said, "Yeah, Funneh a-" Rainbow was about to say, "Actually, I have it in my room." Funneh lied, "What, well I guess I'll keep this one." Jake said, "No, you can't, I didn't pay for it..." Oh, well then, take it!" "Can you deupgrade it?" "Deupgrade is not a word." Draco said as he came in.

"Here's your actual drone." "Thanks." Jake said as he took Domain, "So are we done?" I asked, "We still have to return the drone." Rainbow replied, "Shoot, how much would it be?" Funneh asked, "Most of your allowance." Jake replied, "Right." 

Funneh and I carried Henry and went into Eddy's Engineering to explain what happened and pay for the upgrades.

Hello, there's another thing, I  accidently thought another drone was my original and upgraded it." 

Is silence following us or what because again it was silent.

 "How much do we have to pay?" I asked to break the silence, "$1,627" he replied.

I was shocked, but not even more shocked then Funneh.

"How much time do we have?" I asked him, "I don't know, a month or so, but I say you should do it now if you're asking." He said, "Thank you."

I pushed Funneh out of store and we both stood there. No one said a word.

"$1,627.... $1,627..... $1,627!" Funneh yelled, "Calm down, there's a way to fix this." I said, "NO GOLD... there's now freaking why we can fix this! I don't have that money!" " We can, just-" "I quit!" "What?" "This president thing, I realized that this would have never happened if you couldn't shut up about that president club." "I wanted to save your club." "So then why didn't you tell me that the club was getting canceled?!" "Because, you'd be upset."

"Yeah, but we could have done something else, like tell Mr. Fortune why it was a bad idea or something." "I- forget it, you can quit, I'll take your place." "No way, I'm right now still the president, we're quitting!"

Funneh stormed off, I couldn't move, why was I taking this so personally?! I sat down on the sidewalk and cried.

"Gold! What happened?" Rainbow ask concerned, "I-I I did something wrong."

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now