A Kinda Better Day C19

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                                                                                      Rainbows POV

I got feedback from the Singing Club and luckily its saved! I thought Draco ruined the chances but I guess I was wrong.

The school bell rang and I left the school waiting for my parents car to show up. I was still grounded until tomorrow so I still didnt have my phone to do anything.

I got inside the car and waited for the rest of my siblings, (except for Draco,) to come in.

"Is your club still running?" Dad asked, "Yep," I replied, "They loved our performance." "Good to hear, but what's taking the rest of them so long?" Dad said impatient, "I heard that Lunar was doing an after school club activity, I don't know where Funneh and Gold are." I said, "Go check on them, we have to go soon."

I hoped outside the car and went inside the school, we werent allowed to be inside if it isnt school hour, (unless we have permisson to,) so I have to try and not get caught.

Inside The School:

I first looked at the gym and didn't see anyone in there, ok, maybe there in the bathroom stall and got locked out, but guess what, they weren't...

I went upstairs to see if they were meeting in a room or something, I heard some knocking on the door, but no one was knocking on the outside, I screamed at the top of my lungs because I thought it was a ghost, but I realized it was just banging from the inside, my curiosity bringed me to open that door, and I found Funneh and Gold looking terrifed like they seen a ghost.

"Rainbow!" Gold cried as they both hugged me, "What happened, it looks like you guys cried thousands of tears." I said a little concerned, "We accidentally locked ourselves in and no one came to open the door." Funneh wined, "Lets just go home, you cry babies are getting tears on my shirt." I said disgusted.

Finally, the three of us were ready to go home.

At Home:

When we all walked in we were in for a surprise when we saw Mom waiting for us with 7 tickets, at first, I thought it was a joke, but boy was I wrong!

"Hey kids, how was school?" Mom asked us, since I knew Funneh and Gold were probably speechless by the incident, I spoke for them instead, "It was good." I replied, "Wait Mom, what are you holding?" Funneh asked, "You know, just 7 tickets to see the new movie, whats it called again? Oh right, The Killer Feast." "What!?" Me and Draco said amazed.

The Killer Feast was a new movie that came out two weeks ago, its about a family of 6, each time they had a feast/dinner one of them would get killed, the last one to survive would get the knife that the killer has used and find clues to defeat the killer and have a chance of rescuing their family. Its like a mystery mixed with a horror movie mixed with food, and to be honest, its a pretty good mix.

"When are we going?" Gold asked, "Right now, keep your stuff on, Draco get ready, I'll get Lunar and my purse." Mom said, "Can we sneak some snacks?" Draco asked, "We can't order enough popcorn unless you could buy some yourself." dad said, "Ok." Draco said disappointedly. 

"Come guys, the movie starts in like an hour!" I said panicking, "So, won't we make it in about 30 minutes?" Lunar said, "No! Depending on the waiting, the stops for candy at the dollar store, we would make it in 44 minutes." "We won't be late though," "We need to book the best seats though."

The best seats were all that mattered, every time we go to a movie theather we would be only minutes early, and then, we couldn't book the best seats, we have to sit seperatly because who expects 1 row of 7 to be opened?

At The Doorway:

"Come on! Come on!" Funneh said impatiently, "Yeah, I just want to watch a movie for crying out loud!" I said, "Ok, let me start the car and will be on the road!" Dad said happily as he liked to drive most of the time.

In The Car:

We were now on the road, I cant believe time passed so far, it was just Tuesday that the war between Draco and Funneh started, now that was just weeks ago... (Well, still days ago.)

At The Movie Theaters:

Finally! Were here at last! It was 9:20pm, we were just 10 minutes early, not that bad, but still wished we'd come a little bit sooner.

We went inside and told the person at the cashier the movie we were go to watch, "The Killer Feast."

"Here are the tickets." Dad said, "7 tickets, that's a lot, do you guys want any popcorn or snacks?" The guy asked in a raddy voice, "No thanks, we're good." "Ok, that will be... $57.93 please." "Um, hold on a sec."

$57.93?!.... Just kidding, we have been to the movies before, and it has been pretty expensive like this, but we save a lot of money to pay for it, so its all good.

Dad payed with almost half of our allowance, but its probably going to be worth it, I hope.

Once we went in only 5 minutes were left, but we still got pretty good seats if you ask me. Speaking about seats, we usually sit  in age order because... well, I don't know why but probably not to forget which seat we sit on. So that meant I was sitting between Mom and Gold.

The movie was soon about to start since the trailer was on, I was so excited that I kept rocking my chair back and fourth like a baby.

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