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                                                                                  Lunar's POV

At Lunch:

I know what I did to Rainbow was wrong, (even if she agreed with it.), but to me it was pretty worth it since it didn't affect me much.

For lunch we finally had something new on the menu since we ran out of that egg sandwich that none of us liked, we have something new, Tofu salad, my parents used to make them, but wrapped like a burrito, with cheese,  (no milk included since we were lactose intolerant), tomatoes, lettuce and stuff like that, but stopped since, money was tight. Now I can kinda try it again but with no burrito bread.

 As I was walking to the bench, once again, Draco came up to me... I wonder what he wants, and he still owns me the key chain.

"Lunar, can you sit with us today?" He asked, "I already helped you, and you have to give me the key chain." I replied, "I'm not going to give you it until you helps us and besides, I already paid for it, but it said it was coming next month." Next month, weird, its just a key chain, but I guess it might be pretty hard to make. "Ok fine, where's the table?" I asked.

Draco led me to the group table as we all greeted each other.

 "Um, guys can I talk to you about something." Draco said nervously, "Yeah?" Lisa said, "It's about the president speech, who sent it?" "Uh, let's see, I think Ajax was suppose to, right?" Elenore said, "Your right Elenore I did, what about it?" Ajax asked, "It got leaked on the internet..." Draco said, "How!? We made that private!" Cisco freaked, 

Leaked? How did it get leaked, unless they copied it... 

"Are you talking about before the presentation or after?" I asked, "Before. My other sisters, Funneh and Gold, who are also running for president, think or know that I copied it from the internet and now there blackmailing me into being their servant for the day!" Draco said stressed, 

Dang, Funneh and Gold blackmailed Draco well...

"That's messed up man, but are you saying that I copied it? I wouldn't copy it from the internet!" Ajax said, "Did anyone help you "make" the script?" Lisa asked, "Well my 1 year younger brother did, but only with the editing." "Did you check his editing?" Elenore asked, "I was in a rush and only check the beginning, and it sounded exactly the same, so I thought he did it properly, but he must of switched it all up.." "Your brothers a psycho! Why would he do that!?" Cisco asked, "I guess he was jealous of me being smarter then him, so he tried to make me look bad by copying a script from online." Ajax thought, "I'm sorry, I'll  tell them I copied it." "No don't, no one has to know about it, Draco can handle it." I said, "Yeah...." Draco said very unsurely.

"But let's get to the good news, what's our next move Draco?" Elenore asked, "We now have to copy posters for tomorrow,  we have to put posters in random places, we don't know where because its going to be random." Draco said, "We have to make about 15 of them since the school rooms are pretty big. Which means, Lunar has to make 15 posters for everyone to see."

I'm barely done with the my first one, and I have a project to work on, I can't make 14 more of them! 

"How will I make 14 more posters?" I asked, "The rest of the group could help us if we text our parents for them to come." Draco suggested, "Great, I'm not busy so I'll come." Elenore said, "I could come to, my mom's gonna run late so I have time." Cisco said, "I can't make it, I have to watch my little sister and brother." Lisa said, "Same, my brother can't be trusted home alone." Ajax said, "Ok so Elenore and Cisco will help Lunar with the posters and I deal with the Sister's problem..." Draco said, "Now, can we eat?" Ajax asked, "Yeah, I'm starving." Draco agreed.

Finally the meeting was over and I could try this tofu salad, I got my fork out and took a bity of the tofu with salad and it was pretty good, the salad was a little bland, but adding the dressing helps to add flavor. 

At Science Class:

I don't know how I'm gonna deal with Oscar not helping, but I had to do something...

"Ok class, we will continue working on our volcano project, get with your partners and I'll get your sheets." Mr. Cannibas said.

I looked around to see if Oscar was around, but luckily I didn't see him, so I went to Mr. Cannibas telling him that Oscar wasn't here.

"Don't worry Lunar, Oscar is actually having an appointment , his parents said he'll be able to make it for science so you could wait for a little while."

Ugh, now theirs no way I can avoid him, the only thing to do is complete it fast enough before he comes, "Can I work on it to not waste time?" I ask, Ok, don't rush the whole thing." He said. Now I was completely doomed.

I got the sheet and quickly ran back to my desk, I finished only a few questions, with luckily 2 more standing, and as Mr. Cannibas said, Oscar did come...

"Ok Oscar, you can take a seat next to Lunar." Mr. Cannibas said.

Oscar went to the seat next to me and sat down without a care, but I just kept doing the work while he kept on doing nothing as usual.

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