Our 1-Day Servant. C11

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                                                                                 Funneh's POV

Skip to the end of the day and then finally the time has come, your own 1-Day servant comes and does anything for you. But then you realize that you have nothing to ask for...

After school ended I ran to Gold  as fast as I could, I can't believe I don't know what to ask my own brother for, it could literary be anything, even to torture him, but of course when it comes, you have nothing.

"Gold, what are we gonna ask Draco?" I asked her, "Hmm, it obviously has to be torturing, but at least meaningful to stay with the deal." Gold said.

She was right, we couldn't just act like he's a genie and wish for 10000$ (ten thousand) robux, (Although it would be nice,) he would just say that wasn't apart of the deal.

"I got it, we go for the basics, like, "Bring me a glass of water." or something like that, then we hit him with the hard ones." Gold said, "This is gonna be so good..." I said viciously.

We walked to the car where our dad and our other siblings were waiting for us, as always we were probably the last one's to reach.

"I heard you guys had your first president meeting, how was it?" Dad asked, "It went well, I got lots of votes." Draco said, proud of himself even if he didn't make the script, "Yeah, it was good." I agreed with him. "Me and your mom will be at the restaurant today cleaning up everything for tomorrow, we're hiring today since you guys have to go to school now, we decided that it was time to hire people." Dad said.

We never really hired anyone since we thought it was just going to be a family thing, but I guess it was time that they really needed help and they couldn't just ask us, they were just trying to be generous with us since they think we're stressed from school.

At Home:

Turns out, Draco has invited his technology friends with him to help with the president posters that I have have totally forgot about, and that just proves that I am not made for being a president, but we were close, so we had to get it done.

"Oh Draco!" Gold called, "Come here!" He walked miserably to us as we walked into my room.

"What do we ask?" Gold whispered, "I have an idea, just follow me." I whispered back, "Draco, make 15 copies of this poster." I said, "How?" Draco said confused, "Use the photo copier..." Gold said, "Right..".

Draco went to my photo copier and copied the posters one by one, (so I thought...) while me and Gold were thinking about what to ask Draco.

"What should we ask him next? Gold asked, "I don't know." I said frustrated, "You said to follow your lead!" Gold complained, "Well I have no idea now... will just think about it."  I said, "Oooo! Funneh look!" Gold told me.

She popped out her phone and searched: "What To Ask A Servant?". And to be honest with you, that kind of failed, since there wasn't anything helpful until we pressed a link that had a list of things we could ask Draco.

"This is all we need..." I said with a smirk on my face, "Which one do we start with?" Gold questioned, "This one." I said, it would surely pi- I mean, annoy Draco."

"Are you done yet?" I asked, "Copying 14 posters on one photo copier doesn't go quickly." Draco said, "Wait, did you say 14?" "Yes, I set it to print 15 posters like you said." 

This was bad, my photo copier wasn't going to make all those posters at the same time, its going to jam it! "No, No, NO!" I panicked as I tried to stop the printer, but it was going bonkers and shooting the posters, (That were copied by the original), out like crazy, and it wasn't even good either. And just like that folks, my photo copier has completely broke.

*Gasp* Gold Gasped, "Draco-" I said in anger, "Funneh, I didn't mean to do that, I was just playing! It was just all fun and games right?" Draco said nervously, "It's  fixable..." "I swear, I am going to kill you..." I said.

I grabbed my pillow and came charging at him before he had a chance of running away. With my pillow I whack Draco and he screams as he falls onto the ground.

"Uhhhh, I'm just gonna go.." Gold said, running out of my room. Draco gets up and grabs my second pillow on my bed, ready to swing when I was.

We swing the pillows around hoping it would hit one of us when it didn't. I kept whacking and swinging as fast as I could but I just kept hitting nothing. Ugh, this is pointless, we can't deal with problems like this, its chaotic, (Don't get me wrong I love chaotic, I just mean it in a bad way.) We weren't little kids anymore, it was time to take this in a different way...

"Draco, I'm sorry for getting upset with you and starting a pillow fight. I was just, really upset..." I said honestly, "I'm also sorry that I broke your photo copier...." Draco said, "Your gonna pay for the damages, right?" "Yeah... but, are you guys still blackmailing me?" "No." "Phew."

Draco ran out of the room before I could change my mind. The reason why I said no is because theirs other things I had to worry about now, the poster's, let's just hope I could finish them on time, and clean up my room...

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now