Tomorrow, Tomorrow. C4

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                                                                                   Rainbow's POV

At the Singing club:

I can't believe that Funneh and Draco are versing each other in the school president, you're probably wondering. Rainbow, how did you know?  well, I always know everything that my siblings do, after all, I am the oldest.

 But anyways, after lunch I went to my singing club, (Which is not getting cancelled like the rest,) I went inside and I saw the teachers who started the club, Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Edith.

 There were at least 20 people in the club. The club was having a very important meeting which I was nervous for.

 "Ok club members," Mrs. Edith started talking, "We have important news to share, in two days we have a talent show coming up." 

A talent show!? If I knew sooner I would've signed up..

 "This isn't any type of talent show though." Mrs. Harrison said, "If at least two students from this club don't participate or doesn't give the satisfaction, Principal Fortune, (Our principal,) this club could get cancelled." 

I know I said to you guys that the club wouldn't get cancelled but this was not expected. This club cannot get cancelled! Or else I might I have to win my club back like Funneh and Draco.

 "I'll just get to the point, who would like to attend the talent show?" 

Without even thinking I put my hand up, I needed to save this club, but not like Funneh and Draco's way, if I give the principal Fortune satisfaction then I can save the club, I was pretty nervous as well, but I shake the nerve off.

 5 people, (including me) raised their hand up.

 "5 people? Ok then, the rest of you can leave." Mrs. Edith said, "Tell us what song you're thinking of singing, you can always change it later." Mrs. Harrison said. 

hmm, I knew the exact song that I needed to sing, though I'll keep it a secret for now and let you guess. I wrote my name and song I'd be singing on a piece of paper.

 "Would anyone want to sing their song for a little preview?" Mrs. Harrison asked, I didn't want to share mines right away, I wanted to wait a little while. "I would!" A girl named Danielle said, she had black hair with a sunflower attached, a dress that was yellow and black leggings. Something like Gold would wear.

  "Great, what song?" Mrs. Edith asked, "Dandelions by Ruth B." (Credits to her, search: "Dandelions Ruth B" to find the song on any platform for music).

 I think thats songs great, but thats not what I choosed, "Go on then." Mrs, Edith said, "Ehem... 🎵iM iN A fiEld oF dAndLloNS WiShinG oN EVeRy oNe ThAT YoU'D bE-🎵" "Um Danielle, let's turn the volume a little down, ok, anyone else?" Asked Mrs. Harrison.

 "I would like to." Said a boy named Michael, he had brown messy hair with an orange buttoned top with black pants, and a dark skin color.

 "What's the song Michael?." Mrs. Harrison asked, "Chicago by Michael Jackson." (Credits to him, search: Chicago by Michael Jackson. On any platform for music).

 It makes senses, I mean, his name is Michael, so it fits perfectly. "Go ahead." Mrs. Edith said. "🎵I met her on the way to Chicago, when she was all alone, so was I so I asked her for her name, she smiled and looked at me, I was surprised to see, that a woman like that, was really into me... she-🎵" "Ok, that's enough Michael, that was really good! for the rest of you who didn't sing, you can do it tomorrow, remember we have until Thursday." 

 Ok, obviously Michael would get the part, but theirs hope for me right, I mean he almost sang the whole song. But I remember my song like the back of my mind.

 At Math Class:

Once I was done I went to my other class with the club on my mind, I felt like I had to carry the club, even though some of us are are trying I felt like I was the only one left to do the job.. No Rainbow, their trying you know that, so I put that out of my mind and focus on my class, it was math, and I could say I was pretty decent at it.

 "Ok class today will be doing a math game called: Around The World. If you don't know how to play, the person I choose will go first go around the classroom and answer math questions, if you answer the math question fast enough, you move on to the next person, if you don't the other person will go instead." My teacher Mr. Mark said.

that sounds simple, all you have to do is answer the question asap. Though their was a problem, the smartest kid in the class got picked first, Comead, I was probably 12/20 student in the line and he'd beaten almost everyone.

 I was up next. Oh boy,

 "Ok Rainbow and Comead, what is 19 x 13?." I pressed the buzzer faster than him, "Yes Rainbow?" "The answer is.... uh..." I had 10 seconds in total but now only 6 seconds left, come on Rainbow, think, 240? 245? Wait, "247!" I said, "Correct! Good job Rainbow and Comead, you almost went around the world." Mr. Mark said.

 I was cheering inside my head until the next person came and beat me since I got so distracted after beating him, welp, I still did it :).

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now