There's a Disadvantage... C17

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                                                                                      Gold's POV

Friday January 5th :

Finally! Its Friday, theirs probably no more president schedules now, so I can just have a break of that. As soon as I started to wake up, someone knocked on my door, so obviously, I opened it.

"Funneh, what's wrong?" I asked, Funneh looked like she hadn't gotten some sleep, "Gold, something, or someone, has been knocking on my window for all day." She said, "Who, or what?" "I don't know, its been freaking me out!" "Well, we need to know what this person or thing is, if not, you're not going to get sleep for hours." "Ok, but lets do that tomorrow, can I sleep in your room?" "Sleep?! Funneh, its 7:25am, you'll only get like, 7 minutes of sleep. "I don't care, I just need- need-" "Ok, ok, but don't ruin my bed or your fixing it."

We both got on my bed and got some 7 minutes of sleep, but Funneh was snoring like crazy! We better find out who's knocking on her window...

At Exactly 7:40am...

"Funneh, wake up!" "What, ugh..." "Come on, were gonna be late, on a Friday." "Its Friday?!" "Yes, do you not have a calendar?" "Yeah!"

Funneh got out of bed with excitement and ran to her room to get ready, now that she was gone, its time for some FWTSWG! (Fashion Choice's To Wear to School with Gold.)

Since it was a Friday, I guess I could wear something casual.

Here is outfit number 1, we have a classic black shirt with a yellow plaid skirt, very cute in my opinion, but will it break the school dress code?

Here is outfit number 1, we have a classic black shirt with a yellow plaid skirt, very cute in my opinion, but will it break the school dress code?

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Or, we could wear this-

*very annoying knocking*


I opened the door and it was Rainbow, what does she want?

"Mom and Dad are hosting a family meeting." Rainbow informed me, "Oh, ok, tell them I'll be their in a minute." I said.

The last time we had a family meeting it was about how Me and Funneh kept on getting in trouble for a while, so this time its probably about Rainbow, Lunar and Draco's trouble making.

I went down stairs to see everyone waiting in the living room, I was the last one there as always, but I just sat down as the family meeting was suppose to go.

"So, about this president thing," Mom started to say, "It's going too far, I don't know why you thought hanging from the ropes of the stage was the answer Draco, but it wasn't." "And skipping school for slushies?! What were you guys thinking?" Dad asked.

Mom and Dad were very angry about this, I could see the worried look in Rainbows face, all of us except for Lunar were shaking, some of us less, but it was noticeable.

"Mom, Dad, I'm- we're sorry." Rainbow said for all of us, "An apology wont help this situation Rainbow, but why in the world would you drag Lunar with you?" Dad questioned.

Huh? I thought Lunar dragged Rainbow in the situation, but I guess that's why Rainbow was very nervous.

"Here's what we're going to do, Draco is obviously not going to school today, we are going to stop this whole thing before it gets out of hand, this includes you Funneh." Mom said, "What, Why!" Funneh asked, "We don't want you to do something reckless as Draco did." "But were not Draco." "You aren't but your related, and we're not taking that risk." "Mom, can we do a little compromise.?" I said randomly hoping they would agree, "How do you think we can  compromise this?" Dad asked me.

Ok, I had to think about this, we don't want to cancel the president club, but we want to get a disadvantage for our, (Draco's) action.... Ok, this might work.

"Will stay in for the president club, but if we do another bad mistake, bad grades, or bad anything then we all sign off." I said, "Hmm, ok, do you agree?" Dad asked Mom, "I'll agree, this will help you guys actually try to get good grades. But what about Rainbow and Lunar skipping school?" "Uh.... they'll- Uhhhh suffer the consequences?" I said. I tried ok, I wasn't prepared to answer.

"We're late for school!" Draco says, as he isn't going to school, "We're? I think you mean only us." Lunar said, "Oh yeah... Tell the rest of them just to stick with the plan." "The rest of them?" Mom said confused, "They're my friends that help me with the president thing." "Wasn't one of them with you when you did the stunt?" Dad asked, "Yes." Draco answered, "I don't think they should help you anymore." "Wh- *sigh* ok."

It was 7:55am, Mom and the rest of us except for Draco and Dad went into the car and drove to school, the car was quiet, the only thing making noise was the radio, it was playing a smoothing song which I fell asleep to.

At School, Locker Area's:

"How are we suppose to do this Gold?" Funneh said a little panicked, "Will do something, we have an advantage, Draco has no one but Lunar, that's two against three with lots of backup." I said, "Ture, true, will just have to try and work our way through this, let's go to our class, I don't wanna fail." "Same here." I said with a giggle, we weren't going down without a fight!

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now