The Technology Club Assemblies C3

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                                                                               Draco's POV  

Talking Break

Maybe Gold was right, I could just win school president and get my club back, but I'll need some help, so, who could help me?

 I sat at the benches thinking of how I could do this when someone came to me.

 "Hey, are you Draco?" A girl asked, she had dark brown hair and hazel eyes with a white blue striped clothing with a blue skirt with stars, and a basic black head band. "Yes." I said nervously, "Can you help me bring back the technology club?" "Sure, but who are you?" "Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Elenore, but you can call me Ellie." "Ok Ellie, do you have an idea, cause I have one that could work." 

"I don't, no one I came to had an idea, but I'm glad you have one." "Thanks, so, maybe I could go for school president, if I get selected then I could decide to save the club." "Hmm, that's great, the technology club could work together to have a higher chance of getting school president!" "I'll sign my name on the sign up section." "Great, thanks Draco, I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah."

 Ellie then left to go ask more people, but there was something weird about her, or was it me? Never mind that, I had to sign on the sign up section.

At The Sign Up Section

I went to the sign up section when I saw Funneh and Gold there, wait, this isn't making sense, did Gold tell Funneh about school president? 

"Um, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, "Its the same reason like yours, my club got cancelled." Funneh replied, "Well sorry to inform you Funneh but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get school president." "Will see about that." Gold said.

 We both signed the president poster and left the sign up area.

At Science Class:

After that conversation I went to my next class which was science, when I arrived it sounded like an explosion happened, I was scared to open the door but I did it anyway, only some of the students who were suppose to come weren't here since it was still a little early.

 "Um..." I said to myself, "Draco, can you please hand me a mop?" Mr. Cannibas, my science teacher asked,  I handed the mop without asking questions, 

"Students please go to your next class." Mr. Cannibas instructed everyone.

 Ok so, my next class is... Music, Which I'm not really good at, I got assigned to play an instrument which I don't know how to play, but since I'm going to a different class things might change. 

I left Mr. Cannibas class and ran to my next.

At Music Class:

When I reached the class I explained about how science got cancelled and the explosion to my music teachers Mr. May and Mrs. Piper.

 "Well Draco, we have a spot for you, do you know how to play the flute?" Mr. May asked, "No I don't, but my sister does." I replied, "Great so you know how to play, you can go to the side next to the student named Elenore." Mrs. Piper said. 

But I didn't know how to play, sure my sister does but not me, but I didn't complain, I needed to talk to Ellie about the club, so I went to stand right next to her.

 "Why are you here?" She asked, "I had science class but it shortly got cancelled." "Oh, wanna talk at Lunch, cause we obviously cant talk now." 

Oh right, the music teachers are very strict with talking.

 "Um, how do you play the flute?" "You don't know how to play!?" "Elenore, cant you be quiet for a minute!" Mrs. Piper said, "You don't know how to play?" She repeated in a quieter voice, "No, they just put me here." "Just follow my lead."

 Ok, I got this I just have to play the right notes and I'll be fine.

 "Ok class, please get your sheets out, today will be practicing the course of jingle bells." Mr. May said.

 jingle bells? Christmas already past, but I guess so because of winter break.

 "Alright now. Bells?" Mrs. Piper calls out, they bells shake in tune, gosh, I should've said I could play the bells. "Drums?" Mr. May calls out, the drums began to do a quiet fud. "And flute?." They both called out, lets play.

 I looked at Elenore's hand as she was pressing the circles on the flute, I tried to follow her but I messed up pretty bad. 

"Ok, Draco, can you just play the bells please?" Mrs. Piper asked in an annoyed way, I was glad that she asked that question so that I didn't I have to suffer, neither the rest of the class.

At Lunch:

Music was fine, but now its time for the favorite period of the day... Lunch!

 For Tuesdays the school lunches menu is fish and sauce. yuck, fish. Luckily I don't have to eat it, my mom and dad packs me dumplings for lunch when this happens, though I almost forgot that I had to meet Elenore for the discussion.

 I looked for the table until I spotted her with more friends, they were probably from the technology club and would help us get the president thing. 

As I approached the table Elenore introduced me to her technology friends. "Meet Lisa, Cisco, and Ajax." They all waved hello, and I realized that those were all technology names. I knew we would win.

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