Hidden Away

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Delilah Carrero was in Witness Protection which meant that as of now, she was supposed to be off limits. Supposed to be.

Delilah sat at one of the detectives' desks, her precious journal in her lap, while she watched the Marshal in charge of her case argue with the head of the precinct and Hotch. The rest of the team were not too far from where she sat.

"So, Delilah's off the suspect list but that doesn't mean she doesn't know anything," Emily spoke quietly to the others. "The way her house was trashed...it was personal."

"The bodies too?" asked JJ. Emily wasn't sure about that detail, yet.

"You notice the way she clutches that journal?" Morgan watched Delilah drum her fingers over the cover of her journal. Though she sat casually, her left arm was strategically over the journal while her right hand fingers did the drumming. Anyone who would want to take the journal away from her, would meet both of her hands before they got the chance to touch it.

"Garcia did a check for the name on it but there's no 'Tania Oranears' that she could find," Spencer shrugged. "Could be just a journal to write in. Many people in Witness Protection find writing therapeutic."

"Then why use the fake name?" Rossi asked.

"Maybe it's part of a story," Emily guessed.

"A story?" JJ glanced at her, face slightly scrunched. "About what?"

"Someone not in Witness Protection." Emily decided to walk over to Delilah, leaving the rest to wonder what she was planning on, if she was planning something. They had been warned to stay away from Delilah in the meantime things were sorted out with the Marshals.

Delilah could see Emily approaching her from the corner of her eye. It was strange to say that she welcomed it. Maybe it was the fact this was the first time in 6 months someone nonthreatening knew that she wasn't really Delilah. It was nice.

"Can I get you anything?" Emily politely asked the woman.

Delilah shook her head and thanked Emily for the offer. She watched the argument continue in the Captain's office across them. "It's funny," she said suddenly, puzzling Emily for a second. "Most women dream for 3 men to fight over her...but I can't seem to find the same desire."

Emily felt sympathy for the woman. "It can't be easy..."

Delilah scoffed but her face remained almost stoic. "I'm way past that, Agent Prentiss."

"Emily. You can call me Emily."

Delilah finally tore her eyes from the office. She was surprised by the offer. "Thank you." Emily nodded, smiling lightly "Your team can't seem to make up their minds about me. I don't blame them and I apologize in advance for the massive headache I'm going to give them due to my situation."

Emily found herself smiling again. Delilah matched it. She seemed honest, Emily noted. Ever since they met Delilah, she had been nothing but honest. She wasn't interested in deflecting anything which was quite surprising considering her situation.

"Do you have any idea who would do something like this?" Emily was aware of the dozens of rules she was breaking just by asking that question but she had a feeling that Delilah would continue that streak of honesty even now. Like the team, Delilah had been ordered to stay quiet.

Delilah sighed. "I have my suspicions but nothing concrete. Given the fact I'm in Witness Protection, you can assume that I pissed off a lot of people."

"But you still have ideas," Emily said, picking up on the key point Delilah made.

Delilah nodded. Before she could say anything, the office door opened. She jumped from her chair.

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