Riddle Me This

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When Delilah woke up and left her room, she found Morgan and Rossi in the living room looking like...well...crap. She apologized profusely for putting them in that situation. She couldn't wait to see the end of this madness, even if it didn't end with her going back home (which it most likely wouldn't).

Later that day, the team brought Delilah back to the precinct to scope out more of the possible assailants. They had the names of the other four men in Michael and Jordan's team but without any concrete locations.

Delilah set apart the last picture of the men. "They were pretty active in Virginia and D.C. but then with everything that happened, they picked up and left. Their last known homicide was at the banquet but..." She set her eyes on the evidence board. As she identified pictures of the Unsubs, the agents placed them on the board. She hadn't asked if they had delved deep into the past case - if they had then they would know who she was - and they weren't exactly making it easy to know. They were profilers, after all.

"There's something missing," Delilah blinked when a new thought came to mind. Emily had given her the files on the two previous homicides. "Someone missing. Maybe it's nothing but—"

"Anything is useful, trust us," Emily said.

Delilah smiled without a second thought. "I do."

At the automatic agreement, Emily swayed her head in Spencer's direction, reminding him of the 'conversation' — although in Spencer's mind it wasn't anywhere close to a conversation — from last night. Delilah stood up from her chair and apologized beforehand for the spreading of papers she was about to do.

"You don't have it," Delilah said after gazing at the papers in front of her. "It's the very first public homicides they were responsible for. At the D.C. banquet, amongst the mess, these men left a, um, a message. They made it clear that it wasn't their intention to kill everyone in the room but because there were so many witnesses...they had to get rid of them. They had a few targets in mind and I'm sure of that because I sort of worked for people of the targets." The purposeful silence Delilah entered was taken with caution.

"Telling us the name of your boss would endanger you, it's alright," Hotch said. For as brave as Delilah was, no one would fault her for keeping a detail like that a secret.

With a sigh, Delilah moved around the table until she reached the evidence board. "These guys are insane. My boss' name was meaningful and..." she shook her head, "they left a symbol of her name at her home. They had trashed her place before murdering her at the banquet."

"Trashing the home is part of their M.O.," Rossi said. "They did it to your home..."

"But there was no message left anywhere," Spencer reminded. They had searched through the entire house and nothing close to a message was found.

"Because the job's not done," Delilah said with the tiniest of smiles. It was dangerously close to resignation. "Not just that...there were 3 witnesses including myself and one of them was named Lily." She let her eyes fall shut for a moment. "They murdered her on her way to work but before doing that, they entered her home and trashed it, leaving behind one lily flower for the cops to find."

"Ah, so they're meaningful," Morgan said, earning himself a rolling-eye look, "But we already went through your place. It's like Reid said, there was nothing."

"I don't doubt that you did your best, I'm simply asking to let me take a look." When nobody said anything, Delilah added, "Ten minutes. Ten minutes is all I get and then I'll come right back, I swear!"

Against their better judgement, Delilah was allowed. Morgan and Emily were going to be her literal shadows. It was fine, she got what she wanted in the end. Her house was still taped up but at least there was no one around.

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