Chapter 30

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The second we stepped into the club and Y/n acted as if I no longer existed, I wanted to leave and go back to Sehun. I thought I would enjoy it here. But only because I pictured the girl and I drinking by the bar and laughing. Not her leaving me alone. At the bar. While all my friends go dance. The music was loud and all the lights were blinding me. All these people were so careless. The only other person at the bar counter was a rude looking girl who kept on ordering drinks. Her night seemed to be going a lot worse.

"Hey you" she says. Did I summon her by thinking about her? I pretended to not hear her and spotted the girl. Who was leaning in a bit too close to this other woman I've never seen before. She was fairly beautiful too. "Hello"

I turned my head by instinct regretting it immediately when I met her eyes. "I've been calling you. What's your name" she smiled. Looking not so scary and blunt. Maybe I mistook her. I was a bit surprised by her starting the conversation. Her breathe reeked of alcohol. And she seemed to have been crying. Her mascara dry from running. The dress very tight on her yet she looked perfect in it. No shoes. She had no shoes. "I'm Jennie" she lightly laughed.

"Roseanne" I replied. Feeling a lot less intimated by her smile. I really judged her a bit too quickly. "Rough night?"

"The worst. Let's dance" she smiled. Making it impossible to decline her offer. She gave me her hand and jumped of her seat with excitement. Happily, I took it. Getting pulled into the crowded dance floor. Not caring about all the people I've bumped into. "You don't dance do you?" She laughed when I stayed still.

"Not in the slightest" I yelled over the music. Looking around. Seeing so many unfamiliar faces jumping up and down. The music was very upbeat. Too fast for my liking. Yet everyone seems to know exactly how to live. As I smiled to Jennie I caught the girl looking at me. Deciding that tonight was not the night to worry about things, I mimicked what Jennie was doing. Slowly getting into the beat. Soon getting lost in the music and blinding lights.


"Thought you couldn't dance" Jennie said to me after a few songs. I had pulled her out of the crowd back into the bar. Where the music was a lot quieter and there was much less heat. "A drink?" Her dried mascara was still there. But her shining eyes barely even brought attention to it.

"I'll actually be buying her a drink" the girl suddenly said. Taking the stool beside me. Jennie looked between the two of us. Confused.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" she began to apologize and get up.

Ignoring the girl. I set my hand down on top of Jennie's with a smile. "No it's okay. Let's drink"

"You can go" the girl bluntly says.

I look back at her. She wore the fakest smile. Showing all teeth. Even her dimple appeared. All so ironic to me. "Uhh no. Stay. I'm sorry. I'll be back. Get the drinks started" how can she be so infuriating? Before I could talk to her. She pulled my arm through the tables. Both Joy and Alice looking at us as I passed by. Dahyun and Tzuyu with them. In an instant I knew this was all mistake.

Once in the bathroom I stayed quiet waiting for the girl to give me an explanation. The bass of the music echoed in the bathroom walls. Filling the unnerving silence "why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. Giving me a side look. Acting all innocent. Like always. One of the few things I will not stand about her. "Did you drink?" She asked. Ignoring everything she did.

"If I did it shouldn't matter. What was that? You had no reason to talk to her like that" I say. Not willing to waste my time in another pointless quarrel with her. "Don't even answer that. I'm going to back out there with Jennie and drink all I want"

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