Chapter 43

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I had slept all night long. Sound asleep. Feeling as her body slightly moved up and down. The girl fell asleep before me. The movement of her hand soothing my back becoming slower until she suddenly stopped, wrapped both arms around me in a hug pulling me closer to her chest and began to deeply breathe. Never did I wake up. Her sweet and comforting scent accompanied with her breathing drove me to sleep soon after. With a smile on my face. My heart not being able to calm down as a strong sensation filled my stomach.

This morning I had woken up first and slowly detached my body from hers. The girl had slept sitting down, as my body depended on her. I could only imagine how uncomfortable she must have felt and her sore neck when she wakes up. Wanting to make her comfortable, I attempted to lay her down but couldn't bare the thought of waking her up. Her head was slightly tilted down to the side. Her slips slightly ajar. The girl didn't snore. Nor did she move much. She barely even reacted to me getting up.

My phone was up in my room so I didnt know what time it was. There was no clock around. And her phone had been in her back pocket all night. I quietly sat beside the girl. Giving her space. Looking at her. The way she slept and breathed, her legs taking up the most space. How she had placed both her arms on her stomach the second I moved. Her tattoos, filling most of her arms. All so well designed. Depicting quite an accurate picture of the girl. I wanted to know the story behind all those tattoos. Everything about her.

"It's creepy to watch someone sleep" she suddenly says to me. Opening her eyes and smiling as she rubbed her forehead. Fixing her hair.

"Not that creepy if I look at your tattoos" I responded. She furrowed her eyebrows, just now waking up. Clearly confused. "I'm looking at your tattoos. What time is it?" I changed the topic so casually. She didn't catch it and quickly took her phone out. Showing it to me not aware of me being able to see her background. That same kid on her ceiling. Smiling. Being held by her. Somewhere in an amusement park.

I didn't even look at the time. She immediately took her hand back and turned the phone off. I was left a bit speechless. Not knowing what to say. She had a wide smile on her face in that picture. Matching the kid's. He looked around four. The picture seemed to be recent. The girl's hair short. Possibly this summer. "It's 7:34" she cleared her throat. Who is that kid? Could it be hers? Why else would she have him on her phone screen and ceiling? "Oh the kid. I babysat him this summer" she says to me. Casually.

Maybe I had it all wrong. That would make sense. But she doesn't seem like the type to babysit. The girl seemed to be lying "I see" was all I could say. She sat back and fiddled with her hands a bit. Avoiding my eyes. She's nervous. She had no reason to be acting this way if that was the truth. Yet, I have no right to be this nosy.

"You should probably get back before anyone wakes up" almost as if she wanted me gone. "Don't get me wrong. I like your presence. But I don't want another punch to the face" she sighed. And I suddenly felt an extreme amount of guilt.

"I'm sorry" I didn't have anything else to say to her. This was my last day here. I'd leave in a couple of hours. And I will not be able to live with myself if I don't answer all the questions I have about her. "The night at the club, I was with Jennie. You said I was ignoring how you feel" I began. Already regretting those words.

The look on her face said it all. She didn't want to answer the questions either. But it was too late. I need my answers. "How do you feel?" I hesitated. There was too much hesitation in my voice. The girl looked up at me and immediately avoided my eyes. Then crossed her legs. "Do you feel anything?" My voice came out clearer. The girl still not meeting my eyes.

"Why are you asking me this? You're married" she bluntly says to me. "It shouldn't fucking matter" it's almost as if her words had literally hit me. Right in my chest as I felt a strong thump. This time I was the one avoiding her eyes as I looked down. I'm embarrassed. That was so idiotic. And I wont allow her to see through me. She knows exactly how I feel. And I allowed her to take advantage of me. "Why'd you marry him if you're with me now? You slept in my arms for fuck's sake. And you're still going home with him?"

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