Chapter 71

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The wedding reception was back at the hotel located in a spacious tent outside. Instead of directly going in with the rest of the girls, I slipped out and went straight to my hotel room. This morning I had skipped my medications and unfortunately, it was slowly starting to catch up with me. I reached into my drawer and felt my heart drop when they weren't there. I then checked on my bed, suitcase, bag and even the pockets of my sweater but nothing. Panic was starting to set within me knowing I had been in here for ten minutes without being able to find my pills.

I dropped to my knees searching under both beds and under all the bedsheets, nothing. They weren't anywhere inside the room so I hurriedly went into the bathroom searching every little spot and still, nothing. I double checked everything in my suitcase, unmade my bed and had every drawer open but received no luck. My heart was raising and my breathing began to quicken as I helplessly looked everywhere for them. I paced around the room trying to recall where I last had seen them but even that added to my panicking state.

"Okay breathe" I told myself.

Once I stopped to breathe and attempted to relax I realized the room and bathroom were a complete mess, I did that. My body dropped onto my bed in pure exhaustion and suddenly there was a knock at the door. That must be Jihyo, I rushed to my feet trying to find a way to hide this mess but there was nothing I could do. She knocked again clearly impatient, I took a deep breath and opened the door.


I quickly slammed the door shut being impulsive. She didn't say anything nor knocked again but I was convinced she was still there. Hurriedly, I fixed my hair and dress before slightly opening the door only for my face to be seen. The girl looked breathtaking up close, words completely left my mind and my mouth felt dry. She attempted to step inside with one foot but I accidentally closed the door against it.

"Fuck" she exclaimed retrieving it back.

"Oh crap, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

My body was now completely out in the hallway having left the doorway. In that moment the girl took the chance and went inside the room. I could feel as my heart yet again fell to my feet when she looked back at me with worry and confusion.

I forced a smile to my face, "I was redecorating?"

The girl's eyes went up and down my body then she turned around looking into the room as if searching for something. "Did someone break into your room?"

"No" I lightly chuckled stepping in front of her to prevent her from going further. "Everything is fine, I'll be right down"

Y/n tried to go around me but I blocked her then she tried again and again until I failed to step in on time. I stood frozen as she walked around the room looking at all the mess I made. My eyes avoided hers, I felt embarrassed about what I had done. She then stepped foot into the bathroom and came back staying silent the whole time. It felt like an eternity but truly it was all just a few seconds.

"What happened here? Are you okay?"

I can't lie to her "I was looking for something, guess I must have forgotten I moved a few things around"

Her eyes squinted as she looked right at me then she tilted her head. The girl took a few steps towards me and I couldn't help but slowly move back. My heart was racing thinking about the outcome of her actions. She looked absolutely beautiful I felt more intimidated as she moved even closer. I then noticed that this whole time she had her hand behind her back, she is hiding something.

"Your sister gave me this container when I bumped into her this morning, are these yours?"

The girl pulled out my pills from behind her back and panic began to settle in again. She took a step back and held them in front of me, the brand and antidepressant's name were written right on the label. I sighed and took them in my hand being the one to hide them behind my back now. Hiding them was pointless.

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