Final Chapter

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Two years later

Today marks three years since Y/n told me she wanted to work things out with me. A year ago, we baked cake and made the biggest mess in my apartment. This year, she had purchased tickets for New York City in order to surprise me but I had found them in her nightstand when cleaning our room. She had gotten quite upset she couldn't surprise me any longer but quickly got over it when I jumped into her arms.

New York City, the city of my dreams.

I woke her up by throwing my suitcase on my side of the bed. She jumped awake smiling when I laughed telling her we would be late for our flight. We packed everything in a rush the previous night wanting to get more sleep. It was 5am and our plain would leave at 9am.

"Could've woken me up a bit more calmly" she groaned.

"Sorry, this is so exciting!" I clapped my hands not being able to believe my reality. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome you're welcome"

We got going and left the apartment earlier than we intended to. I drove as Y/n fell asleep listening to the radio music playing. Her hair had been cut short again and mine was now running half way down my back. Jennie never talked to me again and I did the same knowing it was for the best. My life slowly became everything I wanted it to be. I had been promoted to writing my own articles and Y/n had began to study for her bachelor's degree to become a photographer. The both of us were reaching our goals with the help of one another.

"We made it" Y/n sighed while sitting down in our crowded gate. No seats were open so we both found a spot on the floor being an hour early to our flight. "I'll get us some breakfast, you sit down"

"I can go"

She reached for my arm and used it to pull herself up "You drove now I get to do this, take care of our bags"


Y/n let me take the window seat and fell asleep against me. In order for her to get the week off from her job, she had to work morning and night leaving her without much sleep. Sometimes she came in at 3am, slept for a few hours and slipped back out of bed. She looked so exhausted, I found myself going to sleep as well.

It was a six hour flight. After the nap we took, we began to talk about what we wanted to do. Although she appeared tired, she looked beautiful in such casual state. I always loved watching her do even the smallest things; the way her eyes glow when we look at the stars or how she smiles in between kisses. Everyday I had fallen deeper in love with Y/n.

We arrived at our hotel by taxi a little before 10pm, the time zone change had completely messed with my head.

"We can head out and explore some of the city now, or order some dinner and wait until tomorrow. Whatever you want to do" she said.

Our hotel room had one big bed and the most mesmerizing view of the city. The bathroom consisted of a bathtub, a shower with clear gas and a sink. It was very spacious and we even had a closet for our things. By the window were a folded table and chairs, there wasn't a balcony but there was a rooftop for all the guests. I have no idea how Y/n even managed to book this hotel in the first place.

I laid down on the incredibly comfortable bed, "You choose"

"How about we walk until we find the first hot dog stand and get dinner there"

"I love that idea"

Our hotel was a few blocks away from Times Square. The streets were empty the second we exited our apartment. It was dark, quiet and chilly. My hand reached for Y/n's feeling just a bit scared from the unfamiliar surroundings. Her hand was warm as always. The closer we got to Times Square the more people and lights were seen.

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