Chapter 75

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Sam had jumped into my arms yelling out my name filled with joy. The little boy brought such warmth to me with a simple act from him. Y/n's grandpa had also been more than happy to receive me and prepare dinner for us all. Our drive here had been quiet filled with the sound of rain, occasional conversation and the radio playing. I was fascinated by how well Y/n had grown to understand me and my love for silence as I drive.

We had arrived exhausted and made our way upstairs as soon as dinner was over. Sam and his Grandpa had their concerns for the injured girl but were quickly reassured. A small smile had been planted on my face all day long. Everything was beginning to feel normal, a good and comfortable type of normal. One that feels completely new to me.

"There's an open room across the hall" Y/n told me when we entered her room "You can sleep here or there, whatever you prefer"

"What would you prefer?" I questioned knowing the answer but feeling the need to be reassured.

"Here" She warmly smiled.

I had taken a shower thinking about how perfect it would be if my everyday was a bit like this. Everything felt so well that I had completely pushed my pills aside believing I wouldn't need them for yet another night. When I stepped back into the room, Y/n was laying there looking up at her ceiling. With quiet movement, I slipped into the bed beside her. My heart still raised against my chest despite being in this position many times before.

"Rosie" she exhaled having us both face each other. "Are you alright with all this?" Her voice was softer than usual, afraid of being too loud.

"Y/n" I smiled barely being able to see her eyes in the darkness. "More than alright"

Her right hand gently landed on my cheek and our bodies had moved closer out of instinct. I felt as both her hands cupped my face bringing it closer for a kiss. My hands had immediately slid down to grip her waist pulling our bodies against each other. The kiss quickly became more heated as I felt our lips coming back with even more eagerness every time. Slowly, her body became hovered above mine never breaking the passion filled kiss.

I sensed her wanting to lower down her lips towards my jaw but I continued to take her mouth into mine. The sensation of her body on mine, her arms holding her up and the way every single kiss remained sweet drove me crazy. Our smacking lips and heavy breaths filled my ears giving me adrenaline all over. My hands then boldly attempted to slip underneath her shirt and in return she had began to move her kisses downward. Just as I was about to let a pleasuring noise escape my lips, there was a knock at the door.

"Yes" Y/n hadn't moved and only lifted her head.

"How long will Rosie stay?" Sam's voice questioned.

His older sister huffed out with a smile "A few days. Go to sleep Sam"

"Goodnight Y/n/n, Goodnight Rosie"

"Goodnight Sam" we had both said.

The second he walked away, Y/n chuckled climbing off of me and laid on her back. My body had been left with a strong wanting but satisfied. I bit my lips containing the rushing feelings and wide smile. We didn't speak to each other and comfortably laid together until my eyes began to feel heavy. My last thought was knowing I would wake up tomorrow in her bed without having to question how she'll feel. In a tired state, I rolled over resting my head on her chest as if it belonged there.


I had woken up but kept my eyes closed using all other four senses. One of my hands was holding on to what seemed like her waist, my head rested on her lightly heaving chest and my body was completely glued to her's. I smelled food being cooked downstairs and Y/n's enchanting scent. The only thing I could hear were sounds in the kitchen and her breathing. Once I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was her tattoo filled arm wrapped around me. Little sunlight peered in through her dark curtains fully waking me up. My body stayed put, I didn't want to move.

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