Chapter 41

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"Okay bitches this is what we're going to do!" A loud voice woke me up. My back on a cold surface. Bright sun light entering the small room. Filled with people. Beautiful. No better way to wake up to than being cussed at. This apartment is a mess, pizza boxes from last night in the kitchen. Plates and cups all over the floor. Crumbs of chips and popcorn all over. And an empty bottle of alcohol rolling around. All done by us. I had become so clueless I forgot that I even ate anything. "we made a mess ladies, Roseanne leaves tomorrow and it's nearly ten. So get up. we have little time to waste" It was Nayeon.

"Forgot to mention Hyuna, Jihyo, Irene, Joy and oh! Me, genius" Alice said. Yawning as she got up. Fixing her long hair that seems to be unbothered. Nayeon smile soon turned into a pout. Just now realizing she'd be losing more than one of us.

"Dahyun I'm leaving tomorrow and we haven't made this official" Joy whined. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Dahyun had just now been awoken. Looking at Joy with a confused expression before processing anything. "Huh? We weren't dating?" She asks. "I mean yes." We were all far too tired and slowly cleaned the place up. Lisa and Irene not coming out yet. It should be a pleasure for them to wake up to a cleaned up house. Jeongyeon laid on the couch with hangover wanting to help, her girlfriend not allowing her to do so.

I had taken the easiest task in this house for a reason, I'm tired. So I grabbed a bag and picked trash up. Occasionally bumping into one of them. My eyes still not having focused yet. Until I spotted a picture of Lisa with a group of friends, the girl barely even recognizable with long brown hair below her shoulders. No tattoos on her arms and a wide, genuine smile on her face as she held a piece sign up. She looked so different. Almost like a complete different person. Her dimple looking bigger than ever. That smile never being brighter. Her eyes never sparkling that way. She looked happy.

It's like I had fallen for a complete new version of the girl. Just a picture said so much about Y/n. One arm around Lisa's shoulder who hadn't changed one bit. Unrecognizable faces surrounding them. She wore a dress. And looked so beautiful. The date on this picture wasn't even two years ago. How could someone change so much in such little time? Now just by looking at this picture she was a complete different person with a different personality. It's almost as if that sparkle in her eyes suddenly disappeared and took the rest of the girl with it.

I had gotten so distracted by the time I returned to reality, away from that girl, everything was suddenly clean. The trash bag no longer in my hand. Someone had taken it. Lisa and Irene were awake now. Everyone now in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I was the only one with Jeongyeon in the living room. Who had gone back to sleep in the middle of such loud mess. I could have never done that. As a light sleeper; I wake up to anything. And I hate it.

"Gross. Why do you have oatmeal?" Joy says.

"I love oatmeal" Lisa defensively responded hugging the container of oatmeal closer to her. As if protecting it from those hateful words. "You don't like it, leave" She joked around.

"All you guys do is bicker" Nayeon says as I walked to the kitchen. She was cutting up strawberries. Making me think of the girl.

"As if you don't act like the youngest" Tzuyu says.

"Do not! You do " ... "I see your point"

Breakfast was ready. There was so much food and many different dishes. And an unbelievable amount of smoke in here. The windows were opened allowing the chilly air in. I was the one to prepare coffee. The first time I drink without it being prepared by girl. How accustomed I had gotten to her. And after tomorrow I will never see her again. It almost pains me knowing that. What will I do? Just thinking about it made me want to throw up. I couldn't bare it. But I have to.

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