Chapter 19

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Shirou and Sakura made their way along the escape route that had been carefully planned in advance.

"Big brother, your hand..." Sakura's tears were flowing freely and she couldn't hide her worry.

"Let's not talk about that now. We'll talk about it when we get home," Shirou replied, shaking his head. They were still in the Matou family's sphere of influence and he didn't want to risk attracting attention by discussing his injury. He was focused on getting them both to safety and didn't want to waste energy worrying about other things.

Shirou couldn't help but wonder about the sword that had appeared earlier, wondering if it had been the helpful Mr. Gold who had taken action.

It seemed strange to him that the self-centered king who pursued pleasure would extend a helping hand to him.

He couldn't shake the feeling that there must be some other reason behind the king's actions.

Shirou shook his head and decided not to dwell on these thoughts. He knew that Mr. Gold had his own unique values and it would be crazy to judge his actions based on normal logic or the values of ordinary people. It was best to leave it at that and not try to understand the motivations of someone who was so far outside the norm.

As long as the outcome was good, that was enough.

Although, he had lost two arms.


It wasn't accurate to say that he had lost them.

His right hand was paralyzed due to an overloaded magic circuit, while his left hand was fractured and suffering from muscle spasms due to blocking Spartacus's attack.

Despite the severe pain in both of his arms, Shirou knew that this meant that he still had sensation and that his arms weren't lost.

However, after this battle, Shirou realized that even though he had merged with his Saint Graph and become a demi-Servant, he still had a chance against magicians, but going up against proper Servants would be suicide.

If it weren't for Mr. Gold's intervention, even if he had indirectly managed to weaken Spartacus's attack, he still would have been crushed.

"The only way to survive the fourth Holy Grail War is to leave," Shirou decided. He knew that once they left Fuyuki City, he would have to use "Suggestion" to make his family go out and play for a year, in order to keep them safe from the troubles of 1994.

Shirou knew that he would have to sacrifice his father's job in order to keep himself and his family safe. He knew that even in the midst of an economic recession, there would be job opportunities, but there was only one life and it was more important to protect that. It was a difficult decision, but one that Shirou was willing to make in order to ensure their safety.

Shirou and Sakura were making their way out of the small grove of trees outside the Matou residence when, out of nowhere, a sea of flames appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

"There seems to be a problem at the Matou residence. Could you please put the young lady down, magus?" a voice asked from within the flames. It was Tokiomi, who emerged from the inferno like a gentleman.

Tokiomi had already left the Matou residence when he heard the explosion and received a warning from Gilgamesh, who was nearby. He immediately turned around and drove back, arriving just in time to meet Shirou and Sakura as they were trying to escape.

Aoi stood next to the car, looking at Sakura with concern written all over her face.

"This won't do," Shirou said as he stepped in front of Sakura, trying to protect her. He deliberately lowered his voice, knowing that it was the only part of him that wasn't disguised. He had done his best to change his appearance, but there were no voice changers available at the department store.

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