Chapter 40

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The fog was thick and the surrounding was deathly silent.

Shirou find himself in a dream-like shadow world, staring at a serene woman who was smiling at him like an elder sister. Scathach, unlike before, didn't immediately attack him but stood before him with a smile on her face.

Could it be - some kind of conspiracy?

Shirou became alert.

"It seems you want me to stab you a few times," Scathach said as she stood up.

"No no no. I never said that." Shirou quickly denied her statement. Real life is already tough enough, let's not make things complicated in the dream.

He then had a realization, "Wait, do you have mind-reading abilities? Can you read my thoughts?"

"I don't have mind-reading abilities, it's just wisdom that comes with age," Scathach said with a smile.

Shirou gave a weird expression, he thought to himself, "You live and learn." He decided he wouldn't repeat the same mistake and make fun of her, a demi-servant wouldn't fall for the same trick twice.

Scathach walked over and ruffled Shirou's hair, "You did well today, for a mortal." She said, "So let's save today's training for next time."

Shirou was surprised, but then he smiled bitterly. He realized that this woman who had invaded his dream could indeed see what was happening in the real world.

But -

"Please train me! I beg you!" Shirou earnestly pleaded.

"Oh? Not afraid of getting hurt this time?"

Shirou replied with a serious expression, "I used to think that with war approaching, training was just a waste of time and energy and had no meaning. But after thinking about it, I realize that I am still too young. If it weren't for my shisho's constant training, I might have died at Lancer's hands this time."

Scathach smiled at Shirou and remarked, "You've matured a bit."

Shirou's mouth twitched as he asked, "Was I that immature before?"

"Yes, you still behave like a child when you're around your mentor," Scathach chuckled.

"If acting like a child can make my Shisho appear in the real world, I'd do it forever," Shirou replied.

"That's not possible. Your story must be written by your own hand," Scathach said with a warm smile as she raised her spear. "So Shirou, be ready to feel the sting of my spear once again."

"I'd rather perish a few more times in my shisho's hands than meet my demise in reality," Shirou declared as he summoned his swords with a determined expression.

"Then you'd best be prepared," Scathach chuckled as she swiftly pierced the vigilant Shirou with her spear.


After 37 deaths, Scathach halted her attack.

"Have I reached my limit, shisho?" Shirou lay on the ground, struggling to catch his breath.

"Yes," Scathach put down her spear and smiled as she replied.

With great effort, Shirou sat up and looked at Scathach with a serious expression, "Scathach-nee, since you have the ability to see the outside world, do you know why some servants refer to me as a 'traitor' and then claim it's a misunderstanding?"

"Don't you already have the answer within your own heart?" Scathach laughed, piercing through Shirou's words. Shirou felt slightly embarrassed, after all, this ancient being who has lived for countless years is not someone that a young man like him can deceive with rhetoric.

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