Chapter 167

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February 19, 1999, Friday.

Fuyuki City.

The sky resembled a vast expanse of deep blue velvet, with the early spring sun beaming down from high above like a precious gem. Judging by the sun's position, it was likely around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

At Homurahara Academy

"Ding ding ding..."

The loud sound of the bell echoed throughout the Academy, and instantly, a clamor erupted across the entire school. Students poured out of their classes, chatting and laughing in groups as they made their way towards the school gate.

"Shinji-senpai! Shinji-senpai!" A soft, feminine voice rang out.

"Someone is looking for you, Shinji," nudged Issei.

Amidst the crowd of students, a blue-haired boy walked alongside his classmates, clutching his books and wearing a slightly faded school uniform. He stood at around 1.67 meters tall, wore thick glasses, and appeared rather frail and weak.

Suddenly, he turned around in confusion as a girl around 1.65 meters tall, with a somewhat sweet appearance, called out to him.

"Who are you?" asked Shinji, pushing up his glasses and looking perplexed.

"This...this is for you!" The girl handed Shinji a pink letter, blushing before turning around and hastily running away.

Shinji held the letter, feeling embarrassed as he looked around at the other students.

Issei chuckled and quipped, "Gee, you're quite the heartthrob, Shinji. How many love letters is that now? Seven this month?"

Shinji let out a sigh of resignation and replied, "Yeah, this makes it the seventh one." He proceeded to absentmindedly tuck the letter away inside his book, without so much as a glance.

Curious, Issei asked, "Don't you even want to take a peek?"

Shinji shook his head, "Nope, not interested."

Issei cautioned, "You never know when you might miss out on a chance at love."

"Love? It's just a passing fancy fueled by hormonal impulses during adolescence. It's a meaningless waste of time. I'd rather spend that time reading more books," replied Shinji dismissively.

Issei chuckled and quipped, "You're a real catch, Shinji. Most guys would envy your love life, but you remain as immovable as a mountain."

Shinji furrowed his brow and retorted, "What's that supposed to mean? If that guy were still around, he'd make even me look like a lightweight..."

At the mention of "that guy," the expressions on Shinji and Issei's faces turned solemn and tense.

Issei sighed heavily and turned his head to gaze at the tallest landmark in the city.

The landmark was a towering structure, adorned with a sculpture on top. It depicted the image of a person without a face, soaring towards the sky.

Shinji muttered in a low voice, "I can't believe that guy turned out to be a magus... And to think, after he selflessly saved everyone, he disappeared without a trace... What's even more infuriating is that no one knows his name... only that there was a hero who did such a thing."

Issei remained silent, listening to Shinji's complain.

Suddenly, a serious voice interrupted them from behind, "Please don't look so sad, seniors. My brother is not dead."

Shinji and Issei turned to see a girl with a resolute expression looking at them.

The girl seemed to be around twelve years old, her straight silver hair flowing down to her waist. Her face, delicate and beautiful, carried a serious and determined expression, adding a certain charm to her youthful appearance. Despite her tender age, there was an undeniable allure about her. But it was her eyes that caught attention - they emitted a faint purple light that flickered occasionally, forming an "X" pattern.

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