Chapter 124

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"King Arthur! King Arthur!"

"King Arthur! King Arthur!"

Amidst the cheers of the knights, Shirou turned around and headed back to the mansion. Dealing with the next task would be easy - he could just leave it to Ector to dismiss the knights.

The knights would transform into troubadours, spreading the word of Shirou pulling Caliburn and what had transpired that day, thereby promoting his reputation.

In other words, the most effective use of these knights was not to rely on their personal loyalty, but rather to use them to spread Shirou's deeds and quickly enhance his prestige.

Let the people of Britain know that King Arthur has appeared!

Although Shirou had no experience as a king, he felt that he had to do this, even though he couldn't fully explain why. This was likely because of his status as a transmigrator from the modern era; he understood the power of public opinion like the back of his hand.

Shirou entered the mansion and Artoria looked at him with a puzzled expression, seemingly wanting to speak but hesitating.

"What's on your mind?" Shirou asked with a smile. "If you have something to say, don't be so formal with me."

"My King, I don't understand. Why did you have to confront them? And when you drew your sword, was it a threat? If so, why didn't those knights resist?" she asked, looking puzzled.

The most perplexing thing for her about this sudden event was why a threatening gesture would make people admire and cheer instead of react with anger or fear.

Based on what she had learned and understood, Artoria believed that making a threat would only cause people to lose respect and dislike you.

"I've mentioned it before, but please, there's no need to call me 'King' in private," he said with a helpless smile. "If it were up to you, how would you have dealt with the situation?"

Without hesitation, she responded, "I would have simply ignored them. Whether you pay attention to them or not shouldn't affect your chances of becoming king."

"That approach wouldn't be effective," he replied thoughtfully. "Even though I've never held the title of king, I understand that a king cannot afford to lose face. A leader who isn't respected won't be able to lead anyone. If I ask in return, how would you have managed the situation if you were in my position?"

Artoria took a moment to contemplate before responding earnestly, "I would start by reasoning with them. If they refused to listen, I would confront them individually, facing each one in combat until they were completely convinced."

Kay found Artoria's response to be very reasonable and couldn't help but nod in agreement. Meanwhile, Merlin simply smiled but didn't say anything.

"Both reasoning with them and engaging in combat could indeed be considered valid options," Shirou agreed, nodding in understanding.

Artoria's eyes sparkled as if she had received acknowledgment from someone she deeply admired. Excitedly, she asked, "So, do you believe my approach is viable?"

"It is certainly viable, but don't you think the efficiency might be too low?" he asked in response.

"Huh?" her expression shifted to one of surprise and confusion.

"In this world, there isn't necessarily a fundamentally incorrect method," Shirou explained thoughtfully. "The distinction lies in whether the method is suitable, efficient, and whether the cost and actions align with one's personal values and the values of the public."

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