Chapter 161

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Onlookers gazed at the two towering giants, wondering why their king possessed such terrifying creations. However, due to the presence of an external enemy, many assumed that the giants were Mystic Codes given to him by Morgan.

The two Evils divided into countless hands and began attacking the magical beasts on either side of the road. While the large hands were effective in slaying the creatures, the smaller ones that split off were easily ripped apart by the stronger and sturdier magical beasts.

The cursed aura emanating from the Evils spread throughout the area, affecting even the magical beasts and causing them to move sluggishly and weaken.

Without warning, a True Ether was unleashed with a deafening "crack," similar to the one used by Morgan, possessing a terrifying destructive force that pierced straight through the black giant. Like a flood, the energy surged forward, slamming into Caerleon's defensive barrier.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The attack caused visible damage to Caerleon's defensive barrier.

Shirou transformed the giants into two surging waves of darkness and blood liquid. One wave was as black as the darkness of the world, while the other was blood-red, resembling the evil of Cath Palug.

The two waves of Evil formed two circles, each with a radius of one hundred meters. Any magical beast that passed through these circles would be cursed.

While the magical beasts couldn't be directly cursed to death, being afflicted with the curse weakened their bodies and spirits significantly. This made it much easier for Gawain's infantry to deal with them.

A vast plain stretched out before them, with a sky that was teeming with wyverns that seemed to fall like rain. On the ground, magical beasts were as numerous as ants, dotting the landscape as far as the eye could see.

Morgan's giant and Shirou's evil waves collided with the magical beasts, causing a barrage of magical explosions that lit up the battlefield, illuminating it brighter than the sun in the sky.

Meanwhile, the human army held the front line, brandishing their swords and shouting out their heroic cries, engaging in a fierce battle of words and roars with the beasts, creating an epic poem of their clash.

This was truly an epic chapter in the annals of mythology, marking the final chapter of an age long gone.

Tristan stood atop his horse, calmly surveying the battlefield and issuing commands with precision. Gawain's soldiers were like sharpened blades, working in perfect coordination with Shirou's evil waves, Morgan's giants, and the magi's magical bombardment. Together, they managed to breach the tide of beasts, tearing open a gap in their defenses.

Tristan's voice rang out across the battlefield. "Artoria, the rest is up to you!"

Artoria, who had been preparing for this moment, gave a firm nod. She tightened her grip on the reins of her silver horse, raised Caliburn high, and cried out, "Charge!!!"

"Clang clang clang clang~~~!!!"

Following in Artoria's footsteps, a group of 243 cavalrymen wielding Gae Bolg charged fearlessly into battle, their solemn expressions betraying their determination.

As they charged forward, a strong wind blew up, causing sand to swirl around them and obscure their vision. Clad in desolate cloaks, they charged forward like a group of sharp swords, their determination shining through their eyes.

"Thud thud thud thud thud thud!!!"

Iron hooves stamped mercilessly on the ground, crushing the flesh and blood of fallen comrades beneath them.

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