Chapter 155

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Shirou marched at the head of his troops towards Caerleon. To his left marched Gawain, Gaheris, Aggravain, and Morgan while on his right were Artoria, Bedivere, and Tristan. Behind him, a vast ocean of more than two thousand people followed in his wake.

Just half a month ago, he had departed from Caerleon to Camelot without any soldiers by his side. However, upon his return, he was accompanied by over two thousand people.

At that moment, Caerleon was only guarded by 300 of its own guards and 500 soldiers from Lamorak's forces. Shirou's return with over 2,000 people made him the ruler of Caerleon in one swift leap!

Vortigern and his army of 80,000 people had attacked Orkney with the power of thunder. Fortunately, Brastias made a timely decision, and the knight who reported the news arrived just in time. As a result, when Shirou's army poured into Caerleon, it had not yet been attacked.

Upon entering Caerleon, Shirou and his troops immediately seized control of the city, with Shirou assuming the position of commander.

Of all the people Shirou knew, Kay was the most skilled in defensive warfare, and he had previously collaborated with him in the Dream King game. Upon arriving in Caerleon, Shirou's first plan was to find Kay. However, to his surprise, Kay and Merlin were already waiting for him in the castle.

Upon seeing Shirou, Merlin smiled and began to speak. However, before he could utter a word, Shirou swiftly grabbed his sleeve and delivered a punch to his gut.

Merlin clutched his stomach, doubling over in pain and emitting a groan.

"I don't have time for you now," Shirou said sternly. "Let me get everything in order first, and then I'll deal with you slowly."

He called Lamorak over and explained the situation to everyone, outlining his plan for the defense of Caerleon. He then handed over command of the garrison to Kay, with Lamorak as his deputy to assist him.

Although Lamorak had not sworn allegiance to Shirou, he still nodded in agreement with the arrangement.

Kay was hesitant and expressed his doubts, "Is it really wise to entrust such a significant matter to me, my king?"

"I have faith in you and your abilities because you are my knight," Shirou replied confidently. "Go ahead and do it!"

Kay was deeply moved by Shirou's trust in him, and his voice became resolute as he replied, "Yes, your majesty! I will do my best to protect Caerleon and its people!"

Shirou borrowed Aggravain from Morgan and had him replace the original steward of Caerleon Castle.

Although Morgan was puzzled by the request as Aggrevain was her shadow and had never dealt with internal affairs, she still granted her dear brother's request and lent Aggravain to him.

Aggrevain remained expressionless, neither refusing nor accepting the position of steward. The original steward of Caerleon Castle was dissatisfied with the decision, but with Shirou's large following and Vortigern's looming attack, he reluctantly suppressed his discontent.

Shirou appointed Bedivere as his deputy and assigned Aggrevain as the new steward of Caerleon Castle.

As Bedivere looked at the gloomy Aggravain, he willingly accepted the task at hand. Unlike Artoria and Aggravain, who were introverted, Bedivere had an outgoing personality and sincere emotions. He was able to express his inner feelings freely.

Shirou divided his army into three groups, assigning specific tasks to each. He placed Artoria in charge of the cavalry, Gawain in charge of the infantry, and Tristan in charge of the archers.

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