Chapter 150

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After settling down in Camelot, Shirou couldn't help but feel surprised that the nobles didn't try to play any tricks on him. This unexpected behavior left him feeling somewhat uneasy.

At first, he had expected the nobles to try to harm or even assassinate him. However, he was surprised to find that they simply greeted him and invited him to attend various balls. While he nodded and agreed to their invitations, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease in his heart. Artoria seemed to think everything was fine, but he found the situation to be rather strange.

He would have felt more at ease if the nobles had made some sort of move, but their lack of action left him feeling increasingly uneasy. It was as if a storm was brewing, waiting to strike at any moment.

He understood that Camelot had been without a king for ten years, and while Ywain and the other pillars of the realm provided support, the officials and nobles were accustomed to being free and unruly. Suddenly having a king appear and sit on their heads was a major shift in power.

Moreover, this king had no faction or power. Shirou couldn't help but wonder how the nobles would react to his presence. Would they resist or even attempt to make him disappear? He assumed such actions would be normal, given the circumstances.

However, the nobles did nothing of the sort, which left him feeling increasingly uncomfortable and uneasy. He had mentally prepared himself for the worst, yet their inaction seemed almost too good to be true.

It was like preparing to fight a heavyweight opponent, only to discover that the opponent was a weakling. The feeling of discomfort and unease he experienced was akin to the shock of being caught off guard.

But Shirou couldn't help but feel relieved that ascending to the throne might not be as difficult as he had initially thought. This would save him a great deal of trouble, and allow him to focus on his development plans for the kingdom.

The fact that Vortigern was currently blocked outside Hadrian's Wall by the Northern Kings meant that he posed no immediate threat, which was perfect for implementing his development plan.

Following negotiations, a date was set for Shirou's coronation. It was decided that the ceremony would take place on November 1st, which coincided with the feast of All Saints Day, a precursor to modern-day Halloween.

Due to its unique geographical location and history, British culture has been greatly influenced by both Celtic and Roman cultures.

For the British, October 31st marks the official end of summer, the beginning of the new year, and the start of the harsh winter months. This was a time of great importance and held sacred and solemn meaning.

However, over time, the festival evolved and was repurposed for commercial and other purposes, ultimately becoming what is now known as Halloween. While the modern-day celebration involves dressing up as ghosts and playing tricks, it was originally a time of great significance and reverence in British culture.

As the day of Shirou's coronation drew near, envoys from various countries began arriving one after another, making Camelot busier than ever before. Nobles could be found everywhere, lending an air of excitement and anticipation to the kingdom.

Shirou graciously received these envoys, who were all incredibly supportive of his ascension to the throne.

While the nobles and kingdoms attached to Camelot did not play any tricks, Shirou found himself becoming increasingly nervous on his own.

On the night of October 31st, Camelot was shrouded in darkness, with even the palace lacking any illumination. Meanwhile, the streets were filled with people dressed up as demons and monsters, parading about.

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