Chapter 1

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Drew was going over to Zoey's house for the night. He knocked on her door, for her to immediately open it. "Hey, Drewy-Bear!"

"Hey, Zoey. Is your mom here?" Drew asked, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Nope, at some stupid bar trying to get a boyfriend again," Zoey rolled her eyes dully. "But c'mon! Let's go to my room! I want to show you something!"

"Uhm, okay?" Drew shrugged, following Zoey up to her room.

She locked the door, and even put a chair on the door. The blonde then turned to her boyfriend. "Remember yesterday?"

"Ugh, Tuesday? Yeah, I remember Tuesday."

"No. Remember when I asked your for money... And you said no?"

Drew pursed his lips. "My dad lost a big piece of his company, we're saving up money, so he can fix everything."

Zoey frowned. "Why should that concern you?"

"I'm planning to take over his business, so he's showing me how to-"

"I don't give a shit on what you plan to do! Don't you love me!?" Zoey shrieked, shoving Drew against a wall.

"I- I do, Zoey. But you have to understand love isn't just money-"

" 'Love isn't just money' my ass! You're acting like I'm just a little party girl for you to have fun with! Well, surprise! I actually have feelings too!" Zoey kicked his right shin, and the boy winced slightly.

"Yeah, like rage and hatred?" Drew huffed out.

"How dare you! I show compassion!" Zoey snarled, glancing around her room. She smiled, taking an empty glass bottle and smashing it on Drew's head.

Drew grunted, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"Ugh, weak ass!" Zoey hissed, slinging Drew around her shoulder. She unlocked her door, stormed outside into her neighborhood. She found a bench, and dropped Drew on it, before stomping away.


At school, Ms. Jones was explaining the next project. "For our next project, it'll be a partner project-"

Immediately the kids started chatting about whom they wanted to work with.

"Oh, wait a minute! You're not choosing!" Ms. Jones countered. The class sighed, but she continued. "You'll be making a slideshow book report based off a book that I assign you and your partner! We're doing a unit on Mary Downing Hahn, so all books will be by her!"

"Ugh... I hate those stupid ghost stories!" Zoey groaned.

"Okay, here is who you'll be working with!" Ms. Jones pulled out a list. "Okay, lets see... First hour literacy... Jake Sterling and Zander Wickham..."

Zander scoffed. "Better than some people in this class..."

Jake shrugged. "At least it's someone I know!"

"Hailey Austin, and Henry Midori..."

Hailey's eyes widened. "What!? Miss, can I please change!?"

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Henry scowled, crossing his arms.

"No changing!" Ms. Jones shook her head. "Moving on... Liam Williams, and Stacy Mothers..."

Liam glanced at Stacy, who chuckled lightly.

"Zoey Lavigne, and Lia Elias..."

The two looked at each other, smiling.

"Drew García and Luke Peterson..."


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