Chapter 14

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After getting the inhaler, Luke rushed back to Drew. A few people seemed to be looking at him, but the auburn shoved past them and bent down to Drew, who was starting to get some red blotches on his face. "Here's your inhaler!"

Drew looked up, grabbing the inhaler and quickly pushed the canister while breathing in.

Soon Drew was breathing easier, taking in gulps of air. "T-thanks Luke... You really saved me there..."

"No problem. Are you feeling good? The Nurse said you could go home if you need too," Luke hummed.

"I'm good, just might be a little shaky. My skin'll still be red, too..." Drew mumbled, leaning his head on Luke's shoulder.

"Alright," Luke shook his head mentally, trying to get rid of his blush. I hate how I love you, but it's obvious you're scared to love again...


"Hey, Drew! Or should I call you Mr. Homosexual?" Henry smirked, sitting down at their usual table.

"... What?"

"Please, it's obvious you like Luke!" Liam scoffed from behind Henry. "So, when are you going to ask him out?"

"... Probably never. What if he turns out to be just like Zoey, or worse?" Drew eyed them. "You know that I'm scared of falling in love, don't tease me about that."

"Right, right. Sorry..." Henry sighed, rolling his eyes. Liam stepped on his foot sharply, and he gave out a small cry.

"Jake! Put me down!" Zander shrieked, interrupting the awkward tension that filled the table.

Drew and the other two looked up, to see Jake carrying Zander bridal style. "But why should I?"

"Because I say so!" Zander snapped back.

"Oh, okay, My Little Prince- Ow!"

"Is that another short joke?" Zander rolled his eyes playfully, elbowing Jake in the stomach.

"You almost made me drop you!"

"That's why I don't want you holding me!"

The two continued to playfully bicker, as Drew stood up.

"Damn, Grape Boy is a real tsundere," Henry observed.

"Yeah- Hey, Drew? Where are you going?" Liam hummed, looking up.

"All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick. Don't follow me," He said, when he saw Liam tense up and put his hand on the table.

He walked up to the roof, sat on a bench, pulling his knees up to his chest. "... I wish I knew how to love you without being afraid..."


Drew jumped, turning around frantically to see the auburn-haired boy staring at him with concern. "I saw you run up here in a hurry, and you seemed upset. What's wrong?" He hummed, sitting down next to Luke.

Drew breathed. "I just... I'm ashamed to admit it, but I'm terrified to love anyone. Romantically, at least... I feel like they're all going to turn out like Zoey, or even worse."

Luke nodded. "I get that. I'd be traumatized, too, if I were in your place. But listen, you don't have to be ashamed. You're allowed to have your fears, no matter how bizarre they may seem to others."

Drew smiled. That's another thing to tell Mrs. Winters. He's reassuring.

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