Chapter 16

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"Hey, Drew?" Luke asked, walking up to Drew at the end of class. "Do you think maybe you'd like to go to the Music Club for lunch today? I know a lot of the time you complain about Henry and Liam's bickering, and y'know... Now we're kind of..."

"I'd love too," Drew smiled. "That's a thousand times better than listening to those baboons."

"Great! The club's kind of warmed up to you, so don't worry about them."



"Drew! Hi!" Jake waved, as Drew opened the door to the Music Room.

"Hey," Drew waved.

"Hi!" Luke ran up to Drew, before stopping himself. "Ugh, is it okay if I hug you?"

"Sure," Drew nodded. "Hugs are perfectly fine."

Almost instantly the auburn-haired boy wrapped his arms around Drew. Drew hesitated, before returning the gesture. They stood like that for about a minute, Drew stretching his head on Luke's left shoulder.

When they separated, they were met with the surprised faces of the Music Club.

"Ugh... Are you guys..." Hailey blinked.

"Well, uhm... What do you want to call us?" Luke hummed, glancing at Drew.

"Ugh, I guess a couple is fine... Just, not official yet..." Drew shrugged.


"You guys are dating!?" Milly gasped. "Ship!"

"He said yes!" Jake threw his hands in the air in victory. "I knew you two liked each other!"

The two boys blushed lightly. Drew sat against the wall. "I'll be here while you guys practice, I'll try not to get involved too much."

"Alright," Hailey nodded, before turning to the group. "Okay, let's get started, everyone!"


"Okay, we've done a run through of Broken Roads, fixed some parts where we keep messing up... That's all for today's agenda!" Hailey glanced at the clock. "Oh, we still have ten minutes... Does anyone have anything in mind?"

"I do!" Milly raised her hand.

Reluctantly, Hailey said, "... Yes, Milly?"

"Luke should sing a love song for Drew!"

"Oh my God! I second that!" Jake cried eagerly.

"Hey! What about you singing to me?" Zander grumbled, tugging on Jake's collar from the back.

"I sing to you almost every day. Luke barely ever sings!"

"Oh, I- Uhm..." Luke glanced at Drew.

Drew furrowed his eyebrows, seeing everyone egging him on. "He doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want too. Don't pressure him into it."

Everyone paused, looking in the magenta-haired boy's direction.

"You're... Right, Drew," Hailey mumbled, obviously surprised. "Luke, I'm sorry..."

Everyone quickly said a small apology.

"N-no, it's okay, guys..." Luke put his hands up with an awkward smile. "Maybe later, alright? I'd have to figure out a song."

"Okay..." Milly sighed, disappointed. "Well, then what'll we do?"

"I don't know," Everyone chimed in.

"Okay, well..." Hailey hummed. "What if we just do another run through?"

"That works," Sean nodded.

"My vocals might be a little strained, but I'll manage!" Jake agreed.

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