Chapter 10

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"U-ugh... Hi, Zander!" Jake smiled awkwardly.

"... Why're you dressed so fancy?" Zander blinked. "And a bouquet..." His eyes widened. "Are you confessing to someone?"


"Yes he is!" Milly chuckled, patting Jake on the back.

"... Who, if I may?" Zander said.

"Well..." Jake took in a deep breathe. "... You..."

A blush spread across the raventte's face. "What?"

"Zander... I- I've liked you for a while now... At first, I thought it was just some thought that would go away eventually. But then... After whom knows how long... I realized it won't go away. You won't get out of my mind. I know you might still hate me... But I just had to tell you..." Jake breathed.

Zander stood there, eyes wide. Oh my God. He's confessing his love to me.

Jake closed his eyes, getting ready for a rejection.

"... I like you, too..."

Jake's eyes almost popped out of his socket. "Really!?"

"Y-yeah... I have for a while, actually..." Zander looked to the side.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" Jake practically fanboyed. "So... Does that mean we're..."

"If you want..." Zander rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Of course I do! Why would I confess if I didn't!?" Jake shrieked.

The two kissed, completely forgetting they were in front of all their friends, until someone rudely interrupted.

"Jander! Jander!" Milly chanted.

"Oh my-" Zander breathed, turning away from Jake. "Milly, I swear to God I will whoop your bloody arse if you say that one more time."

"Hmm, maybe I could get that tattooed on my- Ow!" Jake gasped, as Zander stomped on his foot.

"So now you're going to simp for me?" Zander rolled his eyes playfully.

"Hey, if you're going to date me, you have to get used to it!" Jake shrugged with a smile.

"You're lucky you're so hot," Zander scoffed.

"Anyway, time to show you off!" Jake smirked.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Zander blinked, before giving out a loud shriek. "Ack- Jake!"

Jake was now holding his new-found boyfriend bridal style. "You are mine to show off now!" Jake cheered, kicking the door open and running out into the halls. "Attention fellow students! I would like to introduce you to my boyfriend!"

The students turned, gasping and laughing as Jake held Zander high.

"Ugh- You better not drop me, Sterling!" Zander hissed.

Drew and his two friends walked by, and Drew scoffed. "Shut up, Jake! No one else would want him anyway!"

"Fuck you!" Zander scowled.

The club laughed, exiting the room. "You two are insane..." Hailey sighed.

"We're in for a real treat with these two," Luke sighed, walking over to Drew.

"Yes you are. And so are we. Either Jake is going to hang out with us less or Zander will join us-" Drew groaned.

"Ew, no," Zander cringed.

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