Chapter 4

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Drew had his AirPods in, listening to music as he tried to find an interesting news article online. Key word, tried. All articles were spam, or obviously fake. The ones that even looked real were about sports or science. He'd rather go to Hell than read those.

He sighed, deciding to simply listen to the music. Maybe music isn't that bad, after all... Why did I hate it so much again?

Luke walked up to Drew, tapping him on his shoulder. Drew hummed, pausing his music. "Yeah?"

"Glad to see you're doing better! Have you gotten a chance to read the book yet?" Luke hummed.

"Yeah... I finished it on the way to school. You?"

"Oh, I finished it during class..." Luke chuckled lightly. "So I guess we can start the slideshow today!"

"Right," Drew smiled lightly. God, why did I get stuck with such a cute boy for this project-? His eyes widened, as he shook his head. What the fuck? Did I seriously just call him cute!? He likes Zander!

He was snapped out his thoughts, by a familiar blonde tapping his shoulder. "Drewy-Bear? Can I speak to you alone?"

"Ugh, sure? See you in first hour, Luke," Drew shrugged, waving to the brunette. Zoey led him to an empty classroom, locking the door.

Drew gulped.

"Uhm, okay?" Drew shrugged, following Zoey up to her room.

She locked the door, and even put a chair on the door. The blonde then turned to her boyfriend. "Remember yesterday?"

"Drew..." Zoey hissed. She grabbed Drew by his collar, ramming him into the wall. "You didn't tell anyone about me, right!?"

"N-no! I said I had no idea how I got a concussion-!" Drew coughed slightly.

"Good!" Zoey huffed, scrounging through her back pocket. She pulled out a pocket knife, flipping up the blade. "You better never tell anyone about me! Or I'll make your life a living Hell."

"O-okay..." Drew stuttered out. Why the Hell is she so scary!?

"Now, I'm going shopping with Lia at the mall today. Can I please have so cash?" Zoey gave him a death glare, and Drew immediately started rummaging through his pockets.

"U-ugh, would five hundred be good..?"

"Yep!" Zoey smiled, plucking the money out of his hand. "Love you, Drewy-Bear!"

"L-love you too..." Drew sighed, as Zoey unlocked the door and skipped out.

He sighed, looking at his phone, which currently had Spotify pulled up.

The boy shook his head, one of the first memories of Zoey playing in his head.

"Remember. If you want to be popular, you've got to take charge! And you money thing, you could get so far with that. But remember, I could make or break your school career. So don't mess with me. If I ask for anything, you will say yes."

Drew narrowed his eyes. ... Guess that's why I don't like music.

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