Chapter 2

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Drew sighed, quickly getting his stuff and moving over to where him and Luke were to begin working. His mind was a bit fogged up, and last night had been a blur. All he remembered was Zoey losing it, then waking up on a park bench. He also had a splitting headache.

"So, Ms. Jones told us our book is One For Sorrow. Here's your copy," Luke said, giving Drew his book.

Drew mindlessly took it, mumbling, "... Thanks."

Luke said something else, but Drew couldn't understand anything. It sounded like everything was underwater.

"... Drew? Hello? Earth to Drew!" Luke waved his hand in front of Drew's face. Drew didn't respond, but instead fell to his side and onto the floor, knocked out.

Luke gasped, as all attention turned towards the thud.

"Luke? Is Drew okay..?" Ms. Jones blinked.

"H-he zoned out, then next thing I know he's on the floor unconscious!" Luke stuttered out.

"Well... I guess take him to the Nurse's Office. Hopefully he just didn't get enough sleep or something..."

"Ugh, o-okay..." Luke shrugged, hesitantly pulling up Drew into a bridal style position. He then walked out of the classroom.

The Nurse's Office was on the other side of the school, so he had a long way to go. About halfway through, Luke felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked down, to see the magenta-haired boy was partially awake.

"... Was going on..?" His words were slurred. This wasn't a good sign.

"Ahem, you passed out in literacy... Ms. Jones told me to take you to the Nurse's Office. Do you know... Why you passed out?"

Drew's eyes were starting to close, and Luke could feel him getting weak again. "... Zoey..."

That was all Luke heard, before Drew went limp in his arms. "Oh, great... His girlfriend did something, didn't she?"


"Mrs. Midori?" Luke asked, trying his best to open the door.

"Hmm?" The nurse hummed, turned around. "Drew-!?"

"Yeah... He fainted in the middle of class. On the way here, he came to for a minute or so..."

"Oh... Did he say anything?" Mrs. Midori questioned, worriedly.

"He asked what was going on, I think. His words were slurred, so it was hard to understand. I asked him if he knew why he passed out, he said something about his girlfriend..."

"Oh, dear... Did he seem dazed or something before he passed out?"

"H-how'd you know?" Luke blinked, a bit stunned.

"... He most likely has a concussion... I'm not trained for this type of stuff. I'll need to call an actual doctor."

"Concussion!?" Luke gasped. "How the heck-!?"

"I don't know... Just... Sit him in one of the chairs, I'll call the doctor."

Luke nodded, gently placing down Drew. He turned around, seeing Mrs. Midori already calling someone.

He left the room, praying that Drew'd be alright.

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