Chapter 13

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Drew woke up, did his morning routine, humming along to his Spotify, which was currently playing Feel Like Home, by Rival.

"This'll never feel like home, again..." Drew whispered.

"Drew! Don't forget we have some leftovers from that breakfast we went out to on Saturday!" Mr. García called out.

"Got it! Thanks, Dad!" Drew shouted back.

He quickly put his hoodie on, and opened the fridge. He grabbed the blue container, tearing the lid off.


"Hey, Luke..." Drew took a deep breath. Probably going to say I'm some weirdo because of my mental health...

"Oh, hey, Drew!" Luke smiled. "Are you feeling better?"

"... What happened?" Zander asked, looking up from his phone.

Luke glanced at Drew, who quickly shook his head. "Ugh... Drew told me he had a headache last night."

"Oh, okay. I've got some medicine at the Nurse's Office if you need some. Don't know if she'll let you, though..." Zander shrugged. "Ugh... Where the Hell is Jake?"

"What? Already miss your boyfriend?" Drew smirked, rolling his eyes.

"I-" Zander blushed lightly.

"Don't worry, I'm just messing with you. But Jake said his brother's bus wasn't showing up today, so he's driving him there," Drew laughed.

"Haha, just wait until you have a girlfriend..." Zander scoffed.

"Yeah, I dunno. That would probably draw my crush away, him being a man and all-" Drew immediately paused.

"... You have a crush?" Luke mumbled.

"Ugh, yeah..." Drew tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, a nervous habit of his.

An awkward silence fell upon the trio, and Zander looked between the two. He smirked, before walking away. "Oh, would you look at that. Jake's here."

Drew started scratching his left arm, it had been itchy since he got to school. He rolled up his sleeve, to see a red and bumpy surface. "Oh, shit-!"

Luke glanced over. "Is something wrong?"

"There must've been some egg in my breakfast- I'm really allergic... Oh, shit. My inhaler's still in my backpack, right!?" Drew put his bag on the floor, opening up the front pocket in a panic. He coughed lightly, as his foot tapped up and down repeatedly.

"Are you going to be okay?" Luke asked, kneeling down.

"As long as I get my inhaler soon..." Drew mumbled. His eyes widened, as his hand stuck through a hole in his backpack. "... Shit. My inhaler must've dropped out-" He immediately broke into a coughing fit.

Luke's eyes furrowed. "Do you have an extra somewhere?"

"... In the Nurse's Office," Drew's breathing was getting heavy and his voice sounded strained. This wasn't good.

"I'll go get it. You just... Focus on your breathing? Whatever you can do to make your breathing easier," Luke said.

Drew nodded, putting a hand to his neck and coughing furiously.

Luke immediately jumped up, running to the Nurse's Office.

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