Chapter 11

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"So, how are you today?" Mrs. Winters hummed, as Drew sat down on the couch.

"Eh, a little bored. But besides that good," Drew shrugged. "Although, yesterday one of my friends finally got a boyfriend, so that was nice."

"Oh, that sounds fun," Mrs. Winters smiled. "... Speaking of which, I think it's time we talk about something important."

"H-huh?" Drew blinked, his gut making a weird turn.

"We need to see if we can solve your philophobia."

Drew's eyes widened. "W-what-!?"

"I understand it makes you uneasy, we can take as long as you need. But Drew, you had a panic attack last time because you have a crush on one of your friends," Mrs. Winters sighed.

"B-but-" Drew's breathing started to become irregular. "H-he might turn out just like Zoey!"

"Drew, calm down. Remember dragon breathing," Mrs. Winters warned.

Drew nodded shakily, breathing in while his finger tapped four times. Then he breathed out, his index finger doing the same motion. He repeated this a few times, before taking one final breathe and leaning back. "S-sorry..."

"You don't have to apologize," Mrs. Winters smiled lightly. "You're allowed to freak out. Just remember what to do when you do."

"Right..." Drew muttered.

"How about this; we start off each session with one reason why your crush isn't like Zoey. Do you think you could manage that?" Mrs. Winters asked.

Drew thought for a moment. "... I could try..."

"Perfect. We'll start this next session, so keep an eye out for reasons why. Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Mrs. Winters smiled.

"... I don't think so."

"Okay. Have a good day, Drew! I'll see you next week."

"You too," Drew nodded, standing up and opening the door.

He walked out, to see Mr. García tapping away on his phone. When he spotted Drew, he put his phone down. "How was it?"

"Good... She's wanting to start work on my philophobia."

"I see," Mr. García hummed. "Hopefully that works out good. Ready to go home, or do you want to stop somewhere?"

"... Can we go to the mall?" Drew asked.

"Sure. Just remember that I have an appointment in three hours, so we can't spend too long there," Mr. García informed.

"Alright," Drew nodded.


Drew went into one store, that seemed to have little trinkets and gifts, almost seemed to be a gift shop. He also ended up seeing Luke, and greeted him with a short wave, which the auburn haired boy returned.

He scanned over everything, before seeing a little brown leaf keychain. Immediately Luke sprang to his mind.

He would love this. Wait... But then he might know I like him- What if he tries to take advantage of me!?

Drew's hands started to shake, and his breathing became heavy and forced. He stepped away from the table the little keychain laid on, trying to focus on his breathing.

D-dragon breathing... Remember what Mrs. Winters told you...

"Drew?" He heard through his thoughts. He glanced, to see Luke standing a few feet away. "... I'm going to take a step closer to you, is that okay?"

Drew hesitated. What if he's going to hurt you!? Don't let him take a single step!

"P-please go away..." Drew muttered, taking a step back.

Luke sighed, staying right where he was. "I'm not going to leave, but I'll give you some space... Alright?"

"T-that's... Okay..." Drew practically gasped for air. He closed his eyes, trying to focus on his breathing. One, two, three, four... Hold... One, two, three, four...

He repeated this multiple times, before finally regaining control.

He glanced at Luke, who was still standing their cautiously. "T-thanks for trying to help..."

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