Chapter 3

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Drew grunted, greeted with a splitting headache and a white ceiling. "The Hell am I..?"

He heard someone get up beside him. "Oh, you're awake! I'll let the doctor know."

"Mmm... Mrs. Midori?" Drew muttered.

"Yes, it's me. Your friend Luke brought you in, saying you had fainted," Mrs. Midori agreed, before running off.

"... He's not really my friend..."


"... So I have a concussion?" Drew blinked, after the doctor explaining everything.

"Yes. Do you have any idea as to how you got one?"

"Mmm... Not sure..." Drew gulped. If Zoey finds out I ratted her out, I'd be screwed... "I think I do remember hitting my head against the backboard of my bed..?"

"Hmm, seems unlikely. Mrs. Midori said you mentioned your girlfriend's name?"

Drew's eyes widened. When the fuck did I-!? "Ugh, I was probably just wondering where she was... I don't even remember saying that, must've been all out of it."

"Makes sense... Still strange how you just happen to get a concussion. Nevertheless, you'll be staying here overnight. We did most of the treatment while you were out. You'll go back to school tomorrow."

"Got it..." Drew nodded. "Does anyone know where my phone is?"

"Oh, it's probably in your backpack. Luke dropped that off while we waited for the doctor to come," Mrs. Midori explained. "Your backpack's by your bed."

"Thanks..." Drew sighed, reaching for his backpack. He reached it, and stumbled to find his phone pocket. Eventually he did, to see about fifty voicemails from Jake. Mrs. Midori and the doctor left the room, seeing as he would probably be calling someone.

Drew sighed, going to his contacts and clicking, Bi Disaster. "Hello?"

"Oh my God, Drew! I was freaking out so bad after that crazy stunt you pulled!"

"Okay, Mom."

"Hey! Am I not allowed to be worried about my bestie!?"

"There's the Jake I know."

"Shut the Hell up! Why'd you even pass out?"

"Apparently had some concussion. No idea what it's from..." Drew gulped.

"I know you're lying, you bitch. But I won't pressure you. Just know if it's your mom again, I will go after her and get Zander."

"Why'd you get Zander..?"

"So he can get inside her bed~."

"That's kinky, Jake. And isn't he gay?"

"Yeah. ᴬⁿᵈ ᴵ'ᵐ ᵍˡᵃᵈ ʰᵉ ᶦˢ."

"... The fuck?" Drew's eyes widened. "Do you like him!?"

"Ugh- See you at school, get better soon, I'm totally not gay, bye!"

"J-jake!? Jake Sterling!" Drew grumbled, taking the phone away from his face. "The Hell was that about!?"

He sighed, scrolling through his texts. He scrolled past his dad, sending texts about getting better soon. A lot from Henry and Liam, both What the Hell happened!? Or a bunch of memes. Then he found an unknown messenger.

Hey, this is Luke Peterson... Jake gave me your phone number. I just want to say get well soon! And Ms. Jones is giving us an extra day on our project, seeing as we couldn't really work today. I put the copy in your backpack, so you could read it whenever!

Drew hummed, before his thumbs danced over his keyboard.

Got it. Thanks for carrying me to the Nurse's Office btw.

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