Chapter 12

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Drew had decided to go home after the fiasco, which Mr. García was perfectly fine with.

"... Dad?" Drew asked on the drive back.


"... How do I learn to love again?"

Mr. García seemed a bit surprised by the sudden question. "Ugh well, uhm, don't know if I'm the best person to ask... For me, you know that I did get used a lot for my money and financial power. I was always on edge with my first date, and every date after that. Then I met... Your mom. She didn't actually want my money, she just wanted me. She wanted to start a family.

But, of course, not everything can be good. She ended up getting mad that I almost always had to take some time off, and threatened to leave if I didn't get a stay-at-home job. Well, I know those don't pay nearly as much, and I had you to work for. I explained how nothing would be the same, how everything would be different. She didn't care, and, ugh... Left.

I was in a deep hole of regret, but then I realized. I still had you. She didn't want any ties back to me, so she left you with me. But you didn't leave me, and I know you never will. If I'm being honest, you gave me another reason to continue being happy. So I'd say, just find someone who you know you can trust, that will never abandon you. Nothing like Zoey, she was a lying scumbag. Ah, geez... I'm getting all cheesy, aren't I?"

"... I'd hug you right now if I weren't tied to this car," Drew smiled. "I'll try to look out for someone like that."

They continued talking on the way home, occasionally making comments on the song choices chosen by the radio. Eventually they arrived home, and Drew went to his bedroom with a sigh.

... I guess I'd better start working on those reasons.

He grabbed his phone, opening a Google Doc and titling it, Reasons Why Luke's Not Like Zoey.

Drew started off basic, with obvious stuff like, he's male, not female, or he has auburn hair, not blonde.

Soon he decided to dive deeper, and thought back to the mall.

"Drew?" He heard through his thoughts. He glanced, to see Luke standing a few feet away. "... I'm going to take a step closer to you, is that okay?"

Drew hesitated. What if he's going to hurt you!? Don't let him take a single step!

"P-please go away..." Drew muttered, taking a step back.

Luke sighed, staying right where he was. "I'm not going to leave, but I'll give you some space... Alright?"

Drew smiled lightly, writing down, he actually tries to help instead of pushing me away.

"Drew, make sure you go to bed before ten tonight! Tomorrow's a school day."

"Got it, Dad!" Drew called back.

He quickly jotted down, my friends like him and clicked his phone off. He placed it on his nightstand, before getting ready for bed.

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