Chapter 7

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Jake fell onto his stomach, Zoey sitting on his back.

"J-Jake?" Drew breathed. "W-what're you doing here..?"

"I came to rescue you!" Jake responded, as he shook Zoey off of him.

"Ugh!" Zoey screamed. She looked around furiously, smiling when she spotted a glass shard near her. She grabbed it, and sliced it across Jake's cheek.

"Ack-!" Jake gasped, startled by the sudden cut.

Luke came into the room, hearing Jake cry out. "Jake!? What'd she do to you!?"

Zoey snarled. "You! You're the one who caused this! You tried to get with Drew, and now you're calling the cops!"

Jake's eyes widened. "What?"

"We were only working on our literacy project! Quit thinking I was trying to get together with Drew!" Luke countered.

Jake made an, Oh... shape with his mouth, understand what was going on.

Zoey shrieked, "Quit lying to me! I know what you're planning! You're just trying to get rid of me!" Zoey gripped the glass shard harder, some smaller edges digging into her skin. She lunged at Luke, stabbing the glass at where his heart was.

Drew whimpered, as Luke cried out in pain.

"Luke!" Jake gasped.

Zoey laughed, taking the glass shard out, as Luke let out another shriek. The glass she held was now covered in his blood.

Luke started to breathe heavily, as his shirt stained a crimson red.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Jake cursed. His face lit up slightly, as police sirens could be heard in the distance.

Zoey whimpered. "Oh no..." She immediately started to sniffle, until tears started to fall out.

The police barged in. "What's going on here!?"

Zoey pointed to Drew with a shaky hand. "T-this boy right here... He was trying to rape me! Then h-he got his two friends involved... I only hit them out of self-defense!" She sobbed.

"Now tell me, motherfucker. What is that bitch doing in your house!?"

"We're only doing that book report! I'm not doing anything with him except working on a slideshow! Quit assuming that anyone I'm in my room alone with is making out with me!"

"Oh, Drewy-Bear... You know better than to talk back to me."


"Quiet! We can't let anyone hear us!"


"Don't ever talk back to me again, or I'll do much worse!"

A phone clicked, and all attention directed to Luke, who was holding his phone shakily. "T-then explain what I recorded this last night..."

"He's framing me!"

"N-no he's not... She tried to rape me..!" Drew countered, now with most of his clothes back on. "My friends only came here to save me, then she s-started stabbing them with that glass shard in her hand..."

Zoey immediately dropped the glass shard in her hand. "Shut up, you useless motherfucker!"

Her eyes widened, as she turned to the cops. "I- Uhm-"

"Put your hands behind your back!" One of the Police Officers held his stun-gun at her.

Zoey complied, shooting nasty glares at all of them.

The blonde was handcuffed, despite her constant pleas that she was being framed.

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