Chapter 15

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Drew stepped into the office, and took a seat on the usual sky blue couch.

"Good morning, Drew! Have you started the list I told you about?" Mrs. Winters greeted.

"Morning," Drew responded, opening the Google Doc. "Yeah, I started. This is what I have so far."

Mrs. Winters took a look at the list.

-Auburn hair

-He's a boy

-He has golden eyes

-He's taller than me

-He actually tries to help

-My friends like him

-He's reassuring

-He's hot af

-I feel so much more alive around him

"Oh, wow..." Mrs. Winters chuckled to herself.

"... Is something wrong?" Drew blinked, thinking he did something wrong.

Mrs. Winters shook her head, handing the boy his phone back. "I see at first you were struggling, going with obvious answers. But then you dug deeper... Honestly, Drew. You're madly in love with this boy."

"Yeah, I've realized that..." Drew smiled awkwardly. "And, actually... I think I want to try going on a date with him."

Mrs. Winters' eyes widened. "Oh, my. That's a major improvement than last session, Drew! I think you should try it. But... Does he know?"

"Oh, yeah I explained my fear to him... Since he seems very understanding, I'll ask him if we can go on a few try-out dates or something if he's up for it, and see if I'm ready for an actual relationship."

"That's a wonderful idea, Drew! Please tell me how it goes next lesson."

"Of course!" Drew nodded.


Mr. Cranberry:

Hey, Jake!

Mr. Peach

Yeah, Drew?

Mr. Cranberry:

I'm going to ask Luke out.

Mr. Peach


Mr. Cranberry:

I'll explain it all to him, you don't need to worry. But should I does it over text, call, or wait until school?

Mr. Peach:

Wait until school, duh! Nobody wants to be asked out virtually!

Mr. Cranberry:

Okay, gees! I'll wait until tomorrow.

Mr. Peach:

Good boy!

Mr. Cranberry:

Fuck you.


Drew fumbled with his right drawstring, waiting for Luke. He had texted Luke, saying to meet him out in the courtyard.

"You said I'd fly away..." Drew hummed quietly, before a hand lightly bonked him on the head, and he jumped. "Luke-!"

"Hey, Jumpy," Luke smiled, taking a seat next to him. "So, what'd you want to talk about?"

"Ugh, uhm..." Drew took in a deep breath. "Luke, I... I think I like you. I want to try a relationship, but I'm still scared. If you're up for it, I was thinking we could try a few dates or so before we become official? If you'd want that, of course. We don't have to do any of that..."

Luke's eyes widened. He likes me. Oh my God, my crush likes me.

"I'll give it a try! No guarantee it'll work out for you, but we can try! I've... Actually had a crush on you for a little while now," Luke nodded.

Drew gasped. "Really?"

"Of course! And I understand, I'll try not to make any sudden movements without your permission."

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